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(Pattern's History updated for all of SA1 and up to the sinking of the Wind's Pleasure)
Pattern was one of the first Cryptics to try to form a Nahel bond with a human in the current period, as a "guinea pig" of sorts.{{wob ref|date=2016-12-1|5899|Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing}}
Pattern began the bonding process with Shallan when she was just a child, but after her mother died she pushed Pattern away and chose to forget him, forcing him to withdraw to the [[Realmatic Theory#Cognitive Realm|Cognitive Realm]]. It was not until years later, after Shallan took an apprenticeship with [[Jasnah Kholin]] that their bond was reestablished. She drew him back fully into the physical realm while sailing towards the [[Shattered Plains]] by sketching him in her notepad.
=== Kharbranth ===
Pattern had a low level of intelligence when first back in the physical realm, Shallan even referring to him at one point as almost imbecilic.{{book ref|sa2|3}} He quickly progressed, however, learning to speak, express complex thoughts, and even to recognize abstract human concepts such as sarcasm, idioms, and metaphors.
[[File: Shallan and Cryptic.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Shallan fleeing from Cryptics, by [[Coppermind: Artist/Petar Penev|Petar Penev]]]]
When Shallan departed from her family's estate to seek out [[Jasnah Kholin]], Pattern followed. After reaching [[Kharbranth]], he became more noticeable to the young woman who had begun to occasionally hear his whispers and see his cognitive form in certain captured Memories. He was first seen by Shallan after she was requested to sketch [[Taravangian]], the king of Kharbranth. Distracted by the conversation, she drew Pattern and another [[Cryptic]] into the background of her sketch. After realising what she had done, she destroyed the picture, claiming to have made a mistake and promised the king that she would redo the portrait by the end of the day. Several weeks later, Pattern attempted to speak to Shallan while she puzzled over the [[soulcaster]] alone in her room. Expecting to be alone, she was alarmed by the disembodied voice she heard, however dismissed the sound, reasoning with herself that it had been caused by the maid who had been cleaning in the room next door.{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|42}}
The day before she was scheduled to return to her family's estate in [[Jah Keved]], Shallan again interacted with Pattern. After breaking the news to [[Kabsal]] that she would be leaving, the [[ardent]] requested a portrait as she had not yet created one of him. Kabsal insisted on paying Shallan for her work, commissioning a second portrait - this time of the both of them - after Shallan protested that the original sketch was a gift from her to Kabsal. Like with her sketch of Taravangian, Shallan unconsciously added several Cryptics into the background of the drawing. Panicked, she fled the room, taking Memories as she went and drawing the scenes as a way to track the spren. Pattern and his associates followed Shallan to her room within the guest quarters, where he urged her towards speaking a Truth. He accepted the Truth and Shallan's mind was transported to the [[Cognitive Realm]] where she unintentionally convinced the goblet on her desk to transform into blood. Shallan returned to her body and upon hearing Jasnah calling for her from the other room sliced a gash in her arm to hide that she had soulcast, pretending that the blood was her own.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Pattern and his fellow cryptics continued to follow Shallan while she was in the hospital. During her stay on the ward, Shallan noticed the spren several times, adding them to sketches she did of the room. Later, after she had been moved to a private room, she also found them lurking, whispering to her, though she chose not to respond. Shallan called on Pattern to help her transition to the Cognitive Realm when she confronted Jasnah about the fake soulcaster, and confessed to him that she had killed her father. Pattern accepted the Truth and Shallan's mind was transported to the Cognitive. After nearly drowning in the sea of beads, Shallan was saved by Jasnah who brought her back to her body in the [[Physical Realm]].{{book ref|sa1|48}}{{book ref|sa1|70}}
=== The Wind's Pleasure ===
Their bond strengthened by Shallan's Truths, Pattern transitioned once more from the Cognitive Realm to the Physical, losing much of his mind in the process. Several days after Shallan and Jasnah had set sail from Kharbranth, Pattern was found by the proto-[[Lightweaver]] while she sketched on the deck of the ship. Rising like an embossment from the page of her sketchpad, Shallan did not initially understand that she was interacting with the Cryptic, thinking instead that she had done something herself or that the pattern had appeared as a side affect of drawing the Cognitive Realm. Pattern moved, disappearing from the drawing when Shallan touched the page, and caused the young woman to jump in fright. A while later he was seen once more by Shallan as she spoke with Jasnah, this time floating on a wave. Again he vanished, seen only for a brief moment. After being promised by Shallan to be informed of any further sightings, Jasnah returned below deck while Shallan moved off to speak with Captain [[Tozbek]] about halting the ship so she could view the [[Santhid]].{{book ref|sa2|1}}
| I thought I saw something in the water, just now. A pattern of sharp lines, like a maze
| Shallan to Jasnah{{book ref|sa2|1}}
Pattern continued to appear to Shallan, vanishing whenever she caught a glimpse of him until she finally managed to capture him in a Memory while reading in her cabin. Her subsequent sketch seemingly helped to anchor Pattern, and he was able to completely transition from the Cognitive. Like all radiant spren when they first entered the Physical Realm, the journey damaged Pattern, who lost much of his cognitive abilities becoming non-sapient and mindless. Like [[Syl]], Pattern initially acted playfully, reminiscent of a young child exploring the world. After Jasnah joined Shallan in her cabin, the young proto-Lightweaver tried to interact with the spren, poking him with a pencil and found that he responded much like an animal might in the same situation.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
Jasnah, after learning what she could from Shallan, had looked further into the symbol headed spren that had followed her ward around in Kharbranth. She mentioned to Shallan that most spren manifested differently in the Physical to how they did in the Cognitive, evidenced by the different form Pattern took after transitioning. Both scholars agreed that Pattern was of the same order as the symbol heads that Shallan had encountered previously, although later Shallan wondered whether this particular spren had been with her in the City of Bells. Pattern's childlike behaviour and lack of intelligence disappointed the women though Jasnah suggested that he simply needed more time to regain his mind. The spren called themselves Cryptics, Jasnah explained, though they would likely be called liespren if seen by other humans - a name of which they themselves were not fond. Jasnah likened the Cryptics to [[lighteyes]], the rulers of at least one of the great cities in the Cognitive. Shallan postulated that Pattern was similar to a spren prince, though Jasnah was not sure as she had not been able to delve far into spren politics. Jasnah tasked Shallan to study her spren, pointing out that she was likely the first person in centuries that had the opportunity to interact and learn from the Cryptics. In his diminished state, Pattern was hardly impressive to Shallan, who half-heartedly agreed to Jasnah's orders to spend the next few days studying the spren.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
| The Cryptics have a fearful reputation, and yet this one – the first specimen I’ve ever seen – seems . . . ‘Imbecilic?’ Shallan asked.
| Jasnah and Shallan discussed Pattern{{book ref|sa2|3}}
Initially, worried what the sailors would think of the spren, Shallan tried to keep both herself and Pattern contained to her room, though quickly abandoned the plan. Similarly, Pattern had not responded to her suggestions to stay inside and hidden and soon became known to the other occupants of the ship, who found the Cryptic discomforting. Four days after his transition found Pattern on the deck of the ship with Shallan. Using [[limafruit]] as an example, Shallan attempted to explain to him the concept of food and eating. Following her lead, Pattern tried some of fruit, and became horrified when he realised that it involved the destruction of the food consumed.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
While the spren had problems with understanding simple tasks such as eating, Shallan had found him to take readily to complex thought, particularly abstraction. Even as he struggled to form coherent sentences, Pattern was able to understand the concepts of truth and lies as well as identify lies told by others. Pattern was pleased by the lies [[Yalb]] told aboard the ''[[Wind's Pleasure]]'', deeming them to be good lies as they were based in truth. Similarly, while he himself could not remember much, he grasped the concept of memory quickly, prompting Shallan to begin to remember a time from long ago, when they had first known one another. Without meaning to, Shallan used [[stormlight]] and turned a patch of the deck of the ship green, as she began to recreate the memory. Horrified, she pushed the memories away, unable to think on that time without panicking.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
Some time later, Shallan went to find Jasnah to borrow some of the woman's infused sphere's for light to read by. Surprised to find Jasnah without her mask of composure, Shallan tried to sneak away without being seen, however was given away by Pattern. Though Jasnah initially tried to placate Shallan and send her away, the young woman stayed to talk. Pattern watched over the conversation silently as the women discussed [[Urithiru]], the [[Shattered Plains]] and the [[Voidbringers]]. When Shallan retired to her rooms to sleep, Pattern accompanied her.{{book ref|sa2|6}}
[[File:Pattern.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|A page from Shallan's sketchbook depicting her spren Pattern, by [[Coppermind: Artist/Ben McSweeney|Ben McSweeney]]]]
Shallan was woken by screams and the scent of smoke. When she went to see what had happened she accidentally drew the attention several assassins after she witnessed one of them stab Jasnah through the chest. When she tried to hide in her room, Pattern pushed her to summon him as a [[Shardblade]], however Shallan refused instead creating an illusion of herself with Pattern's help. Pattern followed the men as they gave chase to Shallan's illusion which escaped past them and moved onto the deck of the ship before jumping overboard. Above, he found the crew members of the ''Wind's Pleasure'', one of them dead and the rest tied up and at the mercy of the attackers. Pattern returned below, leaving the men he had been following to search the water where the illusion had disappeared and joined Shallan as she moved to Jasnah's room to check on her.{{book ref|sa2|7}}
They found no body within the room. In the distance, Shallan could hear the ships crew being executed and to buy them time asked Pattern for his help in soulcasting the boat. Pattern was confused by Shallan's decision, not understanding the logic behind her actions, however helped her see into the Cognitive. She was startled to see him in his cognitive form, and for a moment did not realise that the symbol headed creature was her spren. Pattern urged her to find the glassy sphere for the boat and acted as a translator between Shallan and the object, claiming she was not yet ready to speak with it directly. She successfully convinced the boat to change and was pulled back into the physical realm. The ship collapsed into water and she was pulled deeper into the ocean away from the surface.{{book ref|sa2|7}}
Pattern and Shallan survived the sinking ship, and Shallan was carried ashore by the Santhid she had seen several days prior. Unwilling to sit and freeze, Shallan moved down the coast to try and find shelter of some kind and Pattern wandered off ahead. Further up the coast, he found one of Jasnah's trunks, which had been washed ashore. Excited, Pattern raced back to Shallan to get her attention before he brought her to where he had found the trunk.{{book ref|sa2|11}}
Within the trunk, Shallan found not only Jasnah's books and research but a number of infused sphere's, one of which she tried to use to soulcast a fire. Unlike her previous ventures into the Cognitive, Shallan was able to hover between the Realms instead of falling through and becoming trapped amongst the sea of spheres. Returning to the Realm reminded Pattern that it was where he had once resided, though he could not remember much of his time there. Being in the Cognitive made Pattern anxious and he appealed for Shallan to hurry in her endeavour. As he had done previously, Pattern translated for Shallan, acting as an intermediary between the Lightweaver and the stick she wished to turn into fire. The stick refused and Shallan and Pattern slipped back into the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa2|11}}
Her attempt at building a fire a failure, Shallan decided to walk inland, Pattern at her feet and eventually the pair stumbled upon the campsite of [[Tvlakv]] and his fellow slavers, where Shallan, exhausted, collapsed. The next morning, Shallan insisted that the slavers help her get to the Shattered Plains, while Pattern watched on silently from his place unseen on the side of the slavers wagon. Tvlakv reluctantly agreed and after fetching Jasnah's trunk, Pattern and Shallan began their journey north.{{book ref|sa2|11}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==