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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
The '''Origin of Storms''', often referred to as simply the '''Origin''', is an area on [[Roshar]] where [[highstorm]]s are formed. RoshariansThough believeis thathas never been seen, it's believed to exists far to the eastEast, possibly acrossin or inacross the [[Ocean of Origins]].{{book ref|sa1|12}}
BuildingsAs onthe Rosharsource tendof highstorms, Origin is hugely important to Rosharans. Many buildings have features such as doors, balconies, patios, and gardens facing away from theit, Originso as to protect them from storm winds and debris.{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa2|49}} ThisIn makescontrast, the tower-city of [[Urithiru]], which has a linetall column of windows facing the Origin, unusualpossible only because it's located above the storms.{{book ref|sa2|i|10}}
Historically, there have been a few attempts to sail to the Origin, but of all the ships to set out for it, none have ever returned.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
In the story [[Hoid]] tells to [[Kaladin]], ''[[Derethil]] and the [[Wandersail]]'', there is thought to be another Origin to the west, where the [[Voidbringer]]s were spawned. King Derethil, sailing far to the west, finds a whirlpool where the ocean drains ringed by islands populated by the [[Uvara]] people.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Several of Roshar's major [[spren]] are connected to the Origin. When not in a highstorm, [[Dalinar]] feels the [[Stormfather]]'s presence in thethat direction.{{book ofref|sa3|64}} [[Cusicesh]] forms a face and looks towards the Origin whenevery thereday isat notseven aforty-six [[highstorm]]in the morning.{{book ref|sa3sa1|64i|5}}
== Legends ==
Every day at seven forty-six in the morning, [[Cusicesh]] forms a face that looks toward the Origin.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
There is some disagreement on Roshar as to Origin's true nature. While the ancient myths state that every [[highstorm]] begins there, modern [[stormwarden]]s believe that there exists only one highstorm continuously circling the planet.{{book ref|sa2|87}}
[[Puuli]] and his grandfather believe that there are people living on an island at the Origin. Per their story, those people, once sailors who willwere lost while sailing the [[Ocean of Origins]], are to return with "Light in their pockets" and restore the fallen kingdom of [[Natanatan]].{{book ref|sa3|i|1}}
InConversely, some stories suggest that there may be another Origin in the storyfar [[Hoid]]West, though tellsthis toone would spawn [[KaladinVoidbringers]],. One such myth is ''[[Derethil]] and the [[Wandersail]]'',. there is thought to be another Origin toIn the weststory, where the [[Voidbringer]]s were spawned. Kingking Derethil, sailing far to the west, finds a whirlpool where the ocean drains ringed by islands populated by the [[Uvara]] people.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
== Notes ==