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RoW through ch 34; updated intro
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(RoW through ch 34; updated intro)
|Notum{{book ref|sa4|87}}
'''Notum''' is an [[honorspren]] who serves as the captain of the ship ''[[Honor's Path]]''.{{book ref|sa3|108}} After he agrees to help [[Syl]] flee the [[Fused]], he is exiled and sent to patrol the area surrounding [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa4|30}} He abandons his prepared speech to defend [[Adolin]] at his trial, risking harm and a return to exile.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Notum is a tall honorspren who dressesappears inphysically asimilar tight,to sharp,an but[[Alethi]] outdatedand navaldresses uniformin sharp clothing that is a part of his substance. Notum alsoHe has a beard,shaved withchin abut shavedsports china beard and a thin mustache that connectsconnect to aprominent thinsideburns, linealmost oflike hairthe that[[Horneater]] runsstyle upof hiswearing cheeksfacial andhair.{{book connects to his sideburns.ref|sa4|30}} Like all honorspren, Notum stands with an imperious bearing and glows with a soft blue-white color.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
Notum is the epitome of what it means to be an honorspren. He has sworn an oath to [[Honor]] and tries his best to live by that, believing that oaths and promises are crucial.{{book ref|sa3|108}} He is a loyal servant of the [[Stormfather]], and unwilling to compromise his beliefs, but can be swayed by arguments that involve oaths other people have made. Notum is a cautious spren; he understands that the strength of humankind is their dynamic personalities, although he still believes that the [[Nahel bond]] risks disaster.{{book ref|sa3|108}} He speaks formally but, in his own way, compassionately.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
Notum strongly cares for his crew and is very defensive of them. He struggles with the fact that by allowing Syl escape, he is putting his crew in harm's way.{{book ref|sa3|110}} He is willing to consider that he is wrong when presented with evidence; after [[Adolin]] saves him, he realizes humans are not all despicable and defends him, even at great personal cost, at his trial.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
Days later, Notum attempted to remove [[Kaladin]] from the upper deck of his ship. Kaladin again tried to convince him to release Syl from her quarters. Notum threatened to lock Kaladin up again or throw him overboard. Notum explained to Kaladin that he considered Kaldin's relationship with Syl to be inappropriate and dangerous. He also explained to Kaladin that Syl was one of the Stormfather's first children and the only honorspren survivor of the Recreance, which was why the Stormfather was so protective of her. Notum also believed that the Nahel bond was dangerous without Honor and that Kaladin and Syl should separate. Kaladin tried again to convince Notum to free Syl, and he walked away but allowed Kaladin to remain on deck. When [[windspren]] took an interest in Kaladin, Notum watched them and exclaimed that he had never seen windspren in person before. Kaladin used this opportunity to again ask Notum to help them reach [[Dalinar Kholin]] in time, explaining that he had sworn an oath to protect the [[Bondsmith]]. Notum was shocked to hear that Dalinar had bonded the Stormfather and agreed to consider helping them. Shortly afterward, a member of the crew spotted eight [[Fused]] in pursuit of the ship.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
After several hours spent trying to outrun the Fused, Notum agreed to help. He freed Syl and had his crew unlatch a section of the hull for the Radiants and their spren to escape through. [[Vivenna|Azure]] asked him to have his crew cut bales of cloth into [[Awakening|specific shapes]], and Notum gave the order even though he did not understand the reason. Notum allowed them to escape the ship, despite the danger it posed to his crew, so that Syl could escape the Fused. He believed that his crew would be captured and tortured shortly thereafter;{{book ref|sa3|110}} in fact, he spent five months in prison before being demoted to the lowest rank possible, exiled from Lasting Integrity, and assigned two centuries' time patrolling the empty land surrounding Lasting Integrity. He wandered the area with a small group that included two armed [[Reachers]], able to see Lasting Integrity but unable to visit it.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
|Your people are criminals. The sole reason there was no swift retribution was because you killed every spren who could have acted against you.
|Notum to [[Adolin]]{{book ref|sa4|30}}
=== Exile and Return to Lasting Integrity ===
Notum and his caravan happened to patrol through [[Nameless]] at the same time as the arrival of [[Unativi's barge]] with the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition's]] emissary. He spoke with [[Unativi]] as [[Adolin]] was returning from town, then confronted Adolin, expressing condescension and displeasure. Adolin surprised Notum by describing the diplomatic goals of their trip, but he immediately dismissed any chance of their success and tried to explain the hopelessness of the mission by illustrating a hypothetical situation that compared the Radiants to thieves. He sincerely wished to convey to Adolin that they had no chance with the honorspren so long as the spren felt as they did about the Recreance, but got riled up so that he stalked away towards his caravan. Adolin called after him, mentioning his ship, so Notum explained to him about his punishment. When he asked whether they had at least been able to save Dalinar, Adolin was forced to admit that really it had been the other way around. Notum left, intending to try again to dissuade Adolin from visiting Lasting Integrity if they met again on the road.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
As Notum and his group traveled on the road towards Lasting Integrity, the diplomatic group followed behind a little ways. The other group noticed that there was a caravan of [[Tukari]] trailing them, so Adolin sent a messenger forward to Notum to ask about them. Despite Adolin's worry, Notum had to tell Adolin that there was nothing wrong with the Tukari using the road; he did ask to be informed if they did anything threatening.{{book ref|sa4|32}} At a certain point, Notum could go no farther west lest he get too close to Lasting Integrity, so he rode over on a magnificent glowing white horse-like spren to tell Adolin and Shallan that he would instead turn to go south. He tried again to tell them not to go to the capital and told them to give his best to Syl; before going, he explained, in answer to their questions about his ride, that not all spren were imagined by humans.{{book ref|sa4|34}}
== Trivia ==