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The shape of a nightmare can be forcibly changed by trying to think of it as a certain form through the focus of painting. This causes them to take on the shape of the painting. The closer the painting is to something they resemble, the more power one has over them.{{book ref|yumi|3}} One can return them back to their human form by making a painting of who they used to be, but this doesn't change them back into a flesh and blood human, and they will still fade away without the shroud.{{book ref|yumi|40}}
Nightmares spend most of their time in the [[yoki-hijo]] prisons, hidden away in the shroud. While there, they mostly behave as they did when human, and do not think of themselves as Nightmares.{{book ref|yumi|34}}{{book ref|yumi|36}} But, when the hold of the machine becomes looser, they are able to wander and travel towards population centres, attracted to the Cognitive activity focused at such centres. The reason for their attraction to human cognitive activity, and for feeding upon it to take on form and substance, is due to lusting for the life they lost upon the activation of the [[father machine]].{{book ref|yumi|36}}{{book ref|yumi|39}}
== Nature and Abilities ==
Nightmares are usually almost entirely incorporeal, and are able to pass through solid substances such as walls.{{book ref|yumi|3}} Their forms are also unstable, and they constantly let off an inky black gas, if they fail to return to the shroud in order to re-Invest themselves, they will evaporate away completely.{{book ref|yumi|3}} There are stories of nightmares so stable that they begin to take on the colourcolor of flesh, but the truth of these stories are unknown.{{book ref|yumi|8}}
They are capable of detecting thoughts, most notably fear, and to hide from one, one should think calm and placid thoughts. Fear is also capable of giving it more form and substance, as it feeds on them.{{book ref|yumi|3}}{{book ref|yumi|7}}
Nightmares are able to feed upon Investiture.{{book ref|yumi|25}}{{book ref|yumi|29}} They can also see normally invisible Cognitive Shadows.{{book ref|yumi|25}}
It is theoretically possible to form a bond with a nightmare,{{wob ref|15528}} although exactly how such a bond would function is unknown.
