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== Magic system ==
The ''Mythwalker'' magic system is called the Kkell powers. Every Kkoloss bloodline has its own magic, different for men and women. A single bloodline has a limited sum total of power, meaning that as the family grows larger, the power becomes more spread out. By contrast, if there are few members of the family, they will become extremely powerful. However, the power doesn't spread evenly - the Kkoloss families are divided into Septs, and each Sept holds less Kkell power than the one belowabove it. The Sept one belongs to appears to be based on the proximity to the King or Queen, the leaders - and, by extension, most powerful members - of the house. Should a powerful member of the family die, those of lower Septs will gain more power.
Kkell powers can be bestowed without a blood relation. An archpriest can adopt a person into another house, giving them access to a bloodline; should a King or Queen be adopted, their new house gains their Kkell power. Coversely, by rejecting Hess, a Kkoloss can rid themselves of the power. While they have no power of their own, the Eruntu can take a Kkell Oath, which grants them the power of the Kkoloss house they swore it to, at the cost of forbidding them from ever striking a member of said house. The power gained in this way cannot be discarded.
