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A book written by somebody named Hessi. It is a book on the [[Unmade]], and [[Shallan]] says that the book wasn't received well. It is a new book, and mentions [[Jasnah]] at least once, to disagree with some of her work and questionings. This book is not in many bookstores, and the few that had it in [[Kholinar]] were stolen. This book does not contain the information from the events of [[Urithiru]], and is around 315 pages, most likely.
Hessi talks of most of the Unmade, such as [[Sja-Anat]] and [[Ahertmarn]]. Hessi's Mythica advises the reader on how to tell the signs of some of the Unmade, and what to do if these signs are found. This usually involves running. She has found that Sja-Anat was the most feared by Radiants, for her ability to corrupt spren-though it only spoke of "lesser spren" which she did not know what that meant-and was often refered to as an individual, when others were seen as forces instead. She can only speculate on the ninth Unmade, but as firm beliefs on the other eight. Hessi holds fast to the idea that the Unmade were spren imbued with vast powers, and as such are manifestations of conecpts and divine forces as much as individuals. In the last section of this book, Hessi speculates on the ninth Unmade, going over anything she does not know enough about, or could have confused into another Unmade. She theorizes on whether the ninth is Dai-Gonarthis, and whether their actions could have truly caused the destruction of [[Aimia]]. Many Unmade she does not know much about, such as [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] and [[Chemoarsh]]. she cannot find any speculation on their powers or effects, only to say that Ba-Ado-Mishram was a commander of the enemy forces, and that Chemoarsh is not the [[Nightwatcher]].
In this book Hessi atributes personalities to the Unmade, and describes how they ran wild during the [[Desolations]], the nine Unmade. She also claims not all of them were destroyed in [[Aherietiam]], and insists that some are alive today. Hessi gives a brief description of the known unmade, saying wat they do and what they are called. She believes that the three mindless Unmade are still around, Nergaoul as the Thrill, giving battle rage to both sides, and visions of red mist and dying animals, as said in the legends. Moelach as the Death Rattles, because they seems to be regional, moving about across Roshar, as well as this Moelach was said to give their visions most commonly in the transition point between realms, when a soul is nearing the Tranquiline Halls, and the Death Rattles seem oddly prophetic, too much so to be cast away as not a possibility. Hessi speculates that Moelach is the reason why predicting the future is of the enemy, as that telling the future is believed to originate. The third great mindless Unmade is Ashertmarn, Heart of the Revel. There is not much she can find that might come from this Unmade, but she speculates that the great debauchery of Bayala in 480, leading to dynastic collapse, may have been the influence of Ashertmarn.