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Like his brother, [[Kelsier]], Marsh hated injustice. As a result he led the [[skaa rebellion]] for many years. Marsh attempted to help Kelsier's revolution by infiltrating the [[Steel Ministry]]. He revealed important Ministry secrets to the rebellion, such as their soothing stations positioned by the [[Lord Ruler]] to inspire depression and docility in the skaa population. However, he was presumed dead by the rebellion after a corpse was found at a designated meeting place.
It was later revealed that he had been watched by the [[Canton of Inquisition]] and they had 'recruited' him, turning him into an [[Inquisitor]] using [[Hemalurgy]]. He continued to aid the rebellion, including killing the other Inquisitors in [[Luthadel]] when [[Vin]] was assaulting the Lord Ruler, and ultimately helping her to succeed.
He later led [[Sazed]] to the [[Conventical of Seran]] where they found [[Kwaan's inscription]]. After the [[Siege of Luthadel]], [[Ruin]] took control of Marsh and attempted to make him distract Sazed in order to prevent him from warning Vin about giving up the power at the [[Well of Ascension]].{{book ref|mb2|57}}
After Ruin was freed from the Well, it took total control of Marsh. During this time he had no physical control over his body. HeIn triedthe tohorrifying killprison himselfof onhis multiplemind, occasionshe withheld noout success.hope Tothat thishe endcould hepull wasout implanteda withcrucial severalspike additionaland Hermalurgicend spikeshis whichlife further increasedwhen Ruin's holdattention overwas himdiverted. ThisHowever, he was necessarynever dueable to Marsh'saccomplish strongmuch will,more whichthan hinderedtwitching Ruin'sa controlfinger overbefore him.Ruin Heasserted wastotal unablecontrol toand aidbrought Vin andhim [[Elend]]back in anyline. way, except whenAs he tookwas controlundoubtedly aware of hisMarsh's bodycontinuing justresistance, longthough enoughhe tocould pullnot outread Vin'shis earring.thoughts, ThisMarsh allowedwas theimplanted [[mist]]swith tomany flowadditional intoHermalurgic herspikes, savingfurther her life from attacking Inquisitors underincreasing Ruin's control,hold includingover himself,him and allowinggranting herhim tothe ascend.greatest In the [[Battleset of Hathsin]],Allomantic againand underFeruchemic Ruin'sabilities control,of he beheaded Elend, giving Vinall the motivation to kill RuinInquisitors.
For most of his existence under Ruin, he was unable to aid Vin and [[Elend]] in any way, allowing his mind to drift into the insanity of Ruin, where destruction turned to bliss, giving his last vestige of rebellion the relief it needed to stay alive in the dark corners of his mind. This last burst of Marsh's incredible willpower finally emerged during Vin's last battle against the Inquisitors at [[Kredik Shaw]]. With the support of Kelsier, directing Preservation's power to distract Ruin and bolstering Marsh's ability to resist, he pushed out [[Vin's earring]]. This allowed the [[mist]]s, and the full power of Preservation, to flow into her, saving her life, allowing her to destroy all of the remaining Inquisitors, save only Marsh, and Ascending to become the [[Vessel]] of Preservation.
Ruin reasserted his control, and in the [[Battle of Hathsin]], he beheaded a spent Elend - having burned through all of his metals, including the secret atium stash within the [[Trustwarren]], following Ruin's rage at the loss of his power. However, this gave Vin the final motivation she needed to sacrifice her life in order to destroy [[Ruin's Vessel|Ati]] and prompt the [[Catacendre]].
Marsh survived the events of the Catacendre, likely given far more autonomy under the direction of [[Harmony]] but serving as one of his agents.
== Ironeyes ==
