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The '''Manywar''' was a global conflict on [[Nalthis]] that involved the nations of [[Hanald]], [[Kuth]], [[Huth]], [[Pahn Kahl]], [[Tedradel]], and [[Gys]]. It occurred about three hundred years before the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]].
=== Shattering of Hallant ===
==== Formation of Idris ====
After the House of Idris and its servants fled [[T'Telir]], they moved to the northern highlands of Hallant. They established a kingdom there, named Idris after the family. The Idrians, who had previously experimented with Awakening, turned their backs on the art as a whole. The Idrians brought their religion, [[Austrism]], with them. They used its tenets to make Awakening sound immoral and evil. This fear of Awakening impacted Idrians greatly, their culture was in fact shaped by it. Many superstitions grew up around Awakening. For example, Idrians always wore drab colors, such as black, white, or tans, so Awakeners could not use that color. However, this was not true, an Awakener could use those colors anyway. It was a symbolic gesture. Idrians, for the most part, were totally ignorant about the way Awakening worked, due to their insulation from it.
==== Formation of Hallandran ====