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229 bytes removed ,  1 year ago
The "Folklore and Legends" section was largely rephrasing the "External Influences" section; folded both together, and moved the part about bone spores to the Aether section
(The "Folklore and Legends" section was largely rephrasing the "External Influences" section; folded both together, and moved the part about bone spores to the Aether section)
In exchange, the aether protects the spore eater from harm. As such, spore eaters are incredibly difficult to kill -- so long as they can keep their aether fed. Over time, the aether demands more and more water, and lacking it, begins to consume its host. As such, the affliction is both incredibly painful and always fatal, with most spore eaters lasting no more than a few years before their parasite consumes them.{{book ref|tress|28}} It is generally incurable; only the [[dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] [[Xisis]] can heal the infection, and he claims that the cure must be continuously reapplied, or else the parasite will return within a year or two.{{book ref|tress|52}}
ThereWhile twelve varieties of aether can be found on Lumar, there is also a local legend of a thirteenth type of spore called "Bonebone Spores,spores", though it is unknown where the legendstory might have come from.{{book ref|tress|23}}
=== Rainfall ===
The Verdant Sea feuds with the Midnight Sea; as all trade to the other side of the planet must go through Midnight, the Sorceress has imposed high tariffs. The king eventually refused to pay them and began to prepare for war until [[Tress]] and her crew banished the sorceress.{{book ref|tress|23}}
The Verdant Sea borders the [[Crimson Sea]],{{book ref|tress|39}} the [[Rose Sea]],{{book ref|tress|10}} and the [[Sapphire Sea]].{{book ref|tress|15}}
==== Known settlements ====
=== Sapphire Sea ===
The Sapphire Sea borders the Verdant Sea.{{book ref|tress|15}}
==== Islands of Lobu ====
=== External Influences ===
{{image|BattleOfWits.jpg|side=right|width=300px|[[Worldhopper]]s on Lumar will freely use their powers in front of the locals.}}
|She'd heard stories of visitors from the stars, but had thought them fancies. Even if there did seem to be more and more of them these days, talked of among sailors.
Few [[worldhopper]]s visit Lumar, although enough that stories of "visitors from the stars" have began to spread across the planet.{{book ref|tress|22}} As most Lumarans are not wholly cosmere-aware, a variety of folk beliefs about the visitors arose. Those outsiders are often referred to as wizards or sorcerers, withwhile their[[kandra]] are called zombies.{{book ref|tress|18}} Their advanced technology beingis considered magical in and of itself, and has found its way into the hands of the locals. Tablets from [[Nalthis]] can be purchased and used for basic needs such as writing out text; however, it appears that the Lumarans are never actually taught the details of how the technology works.{{book ref|tress|15}} Some [[Scadrian]] influences have also made their way to the planet, with death being said to have nails in his eyes -- presumably referring to [[Marsh]].{{book ref|tress|53}}{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}
Notable outsiders to make their home on Lumar include the [[Sorceress]], an [[Elantrian]] who took control of the Midnight Sea, and [[Xisis]], a [[dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] who studies the aethers at the bottom of the Crimson Sea and trades wishes for local servants. Those two have integrated into the planet's culture well enough that they are not recognized as extraterrestrials.{{book ref|tress|31}}{{book ref|tress|64}}
Unlike [[First of the Sun]], there does not appear to be any major interstellar nation vying for control over Lumar; it's unknown if this is due to the deadly ecosystem, or the planet's relative unimportance on the galactic scene.
=== FolkloreNotable andInhabitants Legendsof Lumar ===
{{quote|People can't even make up their minds on what color 'Bone Spores' are supposed to be. White or black? Or both?|[[Ann]]{{book ref|sp1|23}}}}
The people on the world of Lumar follow a large variety of folk beliefs that stem from their encounters with other worlds, due to the lack of care of [[world hoppers]] to the system a wide variety of foreign '''Invested Arts''' and foreign technology has been seen in use by the locals. In order to make sense of these sights they resorted to referring to them under more familiar terms, thus [[Kandra]] are identified as zombies{{book ref|tress|18}} and [[elantrians]] as sorcerer's or sorcereress'.
There is also a legend of a thirteenth type of spore called "Bone Spores," though it is unknown where the legend might have come from.{{book ref|tress|23}}
== Notable Lumarans ==
* [[Tress]]
