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(The "Folklore and Legends" section was largely rephrasing the "External Influences" section; folded both together, and moved the part about bone spores to the Aether section)
The other known society on Lumar are the people of Islands of Lobu, who have dark skin and black, curly hair.{{book ref|tress|15}}{{book ref|tress|12}}{{file ref|TressAtTheWheel.jpg|text=''Tress At The Wheel''}} The people of Lobu are a society of hunters who take pride in the prey they catch. Tales of the greatest hunts are written down with great embellishments and a lot of bragging; such letters are then hung on the walls of their family halls.{{book ref|tress|40}}
Over the generations, what constitutes a hunt has been stretched to include many seemingly-unrelated professions, such as trade or shoemaking, to allow the society to develop without losing their culture. However, no matter the shape the hunt takes, the pride remains. A person chooses their hunt as they come of age, and then pursues it to the best of their ability; for example, a person who chose trade may become an excellent haggler.{{book ref|tress|40}}