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|abilities= [[Shardblade|Shardbearer]]
|books=[[WordsStormlight of RadianceArchive]]
'''Liss''' was a female assassin on [[Roshar]]. Her gender was a closely guarded secret.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
'''Liss''' is one of the most skilled assassins on [[Roshar]] that goes by the name of the '''Weeper'''.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} As a female assassin operating in [[Vorin]] Roshar, her gender is a closely guarded secret. At one point during her career, she was hired by [[Jasnah Kholin]] to spy on Jasnah's sister-in-law, [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]].
She gained the name the '''Weeper''' from her practice of gouging out the eyes of her victims. The prevailing opinion as to why she does this is the belief the Weeper is "indifferent to whether her victims are lighteyed or dark." In reality however she does it because she does not want it known her method of killing leaves behind bodies with burned-out eyes, that likely being a [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Until a few weeks before the assassination of King [[Gavilar Kholin]], the Weeper owned a [[Shin]] slave whom she sold for being, as she called it, "storming creepy." Jasnah believed this slave might have been the [[Szeth|white-garbed servant used by the Parshendi]].{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
Nothing is known about Liss's early life or how long she has been active as an assassin. At some point in her past, Liss obtained a Shardblade, which she makes use of in her assassinations.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} In order to disguise her use of a Blade in her killings, Liss gouges out the eyes of her targets after she kills them, so no one can tell that their eyes are burned out. As she gained notoriety, people began calling her the '''Weeper''', claiming that she gouges out the eyes of her targets to show that she does not care whether or not her targets are lighteyed or darkeyed.
TheShe nightand of King Gavilar's assassination she met with his daughterHighlady [[Jasnah Kholin]]. Jasnahknew hiredone another by the Weeperyear to1167.{{book assumeref|sa2|prologue}} theLiss rolewas ofamong aseveral lady'sprominent maidassassins tooperating [[Aesudanin Kholin]],the wifearea of King [[Elhokar KholinKholinar]]. Herthat jobhad wasa tostanding watchagreement only, until such a time thatwith Jasnah felt it was necessary to act, which Liss questioned. PartShe ofwould her contract also involved reporting to Jasnahreport any potential employers who expressed interest in assassination contracts involving the members of [[House Kholin]] to Jasnah, as she would match the payment in exchange for the name of the individual.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} It is likely that Jasnah used Liss for several different assassinations to keep her family safe.
=== Contract on Aesudan ===
|“An odd night, Brightness, to be engaging in treason.
|Liss to Jasnah{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
Liss has at least one servant named [[Talak]] that helps her with her contracts.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} At some point, Liss also purchased a slave named [[Szeth]] to be her servant. Initially she enjoyed him and believed that Szeth was was the best servant she had ever had, telling Jasnah that she wanted to show him off to her. However, Liss came to find that Szeth was almost too good of a servant and began to see him as creepy. She sold him to the slavers in Kholinar a few weeks before the assassination of King [[Gavilar Kholin]]. Around this point, Jasnah contacted Liss, asking her to meet her in the royal palace in Kholinar.
In late 1167 on the night of King [[Gavilar Kholin]]'s assassination, Liss and Talak went to a guest room in the palace to meet with Jasnah.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Liss had Talak guard the door and despite Jasnah's lateness, waited to meet with her. Jasnah had planned to have Liss assassinate Highlady [[Aesudan Kholin]], wife of Highlord [[Elhokar Kholin]], but had become concerned that her father growing was suspicious of her. Instead, Jasnah hired the Weeper to assume the role of a lady's maid to Aesudan. Jasnah planned to arrange for one of her sister-in-law's maids to be fired in one week's time, after which Liss was apply for the job using falsified documents and Jasnah would ensure that she was hired. Liss's job was to watch Aesudan and report on her doings to Jasnah, until such a time that Jasnah either cancelled the contract or felt it was necessary to have Aesudan killed. Liss questioned this contract, stating that it is far more expensive to hire her for an extended observation rather than an assassination, but agreed to Jasnah's terms. It appears that Liss was never ordered to kill Aesudan, as she was still alive several years later.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}
== Appearance & Personality ==
|Spying on the wife of the heir to the throne? It will be more expensive this way. You sure you don’t simply want her dead?
|Liss to Jasnah{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
Liss is of Vorin heritage, although which nation she is from is uncertain, it may be [[Alethkar]], [[Jah Keved]], or [[Bavland]].{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} She has long dark hair, which she sometimes wears loose, and a plump, attractive figure. She speaks with an accent, but it is difficult to tell precisely which region it comes from.
Liss is a very clever woman, able to disguise both her gender and the fact that she is a Shardbearer from the world.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} She has an informal demeanor, speaking to Jasnah casually, as if Jasnah is her equal rather than her superior. Liss also appreciates being treated with respect. Many of her employers show disdain for Liss, acting as if they are doing something disgusting by associating with her. Jasnah does not do this, which makes Liss like her. Liss is also daring and cold-blooded, as a professional assassin she has no compunction about killing anyone, regardless of their importance. She is practical as well, seeing the financial benefits of betraying a contract on the royal family to Jasnah to gain a repeat customer in the process.
== Attributes & Abilities ==
=== Shardwielding ===
Liss's most crucial resource is her Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} It is currently unknown where she obtained the Blade, but there is no indication that she is a member of the [[Knights Radiant]] as of yet. Due to the masculine and feminine arts set out in [[Arts and Majesty]], Vorin women do not participate in combat, particularly not with a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|25}} As such, Liss is able to get close to potential targets, without raising their suspicions that she is a Shardbearer, and dispatch them quickly.{{book ref|sa2|36}} It is unknown if she has any other combat training with a Shardblade or if it is merely used for assassinations.
=== Skills in Espionage ===
As one of the most skilled assassins in Alethkar, Liss has a variety of talents that help her excel at her profession. She has the ability to disguise herself in a many different ways in order to get close to her target, such as acting as a maid.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} She is also skilled at imitating various accents, including Alethi, Veden, and Bav. Another talent that Liss makes use of is her ability to make fakes of documents and other credentials so that she can gain access to places she normally would not be permitted to enter. Liss is also an expert at extended observation, able to spy on a target for weeks on end without blowing her cover. These skills along with the Shardblade allow Liss to charge a very high price for her services.
== Notes ==
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{{complete|[[User:Windrunner|Windrunner]] ([[User talk:Windrunner|talk]]) 03:30, 14 March 2017 (MST)}}