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Several epigraphs in certain Parts of ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]'' serve as a sequence of '''{{PAGENAME}}''' that reveal some hints about the history of the [[Cosmere]] and the [[Shard]]s of [[Adonalsium]], as well as the history and personality of their authors. They set the stage for the conflict on [[Roshar]]: not only is this one world at stake, but the entire Cosmere might fall if the [[Vessel]] of [[Odium]], [[Rayse]], gets what he wants.
The epigraphs are phrased as a letter, and are best read and understood all at once. For convenience in reading they are reproduced here.
== The First Letter ==
The [[The Way of Kings/Epigraphs#The_Letter|epigraphs]] to Part 2 of ''[[The Way of Kings]]'' form the first letter. Later hints point to this letter being written by [[Hoid]].
==The Second Letter==
The epigraphs to Part 4 of ''[[Words of Radiance]]'' form a reply to this letter. Again, they are best read at once.
==Oathbringer Letters==
The epigraphs to Part 2 of ''[[Oathbringer]]'' comprise three separate letters. The first two are addressed to [[Hoid|Cephandrius]] and the second is addressed to "Friend," likely the same person.
And so will you.<!--
-->|First ''Oathbringer'' Letter
Did you expect anything else from us? We need not suffer the interference of another. Rayse is contained, and we care not for his prison. Indeed, we admire his initiative. Perhaps if you had approached the correct one of us with your plea, it would have found favorable audience. But we stand in the sea, pleased with our domains. Leave us alone. We also instruct that you should not return to [[Obrodai]]. We have claimed that world, and a new avatar of our being is beginning to manifest there. She is young yet, and--as a precaution--she has been instilled with an intense and overpowering dislike of you. This is all we will say at this time. If you wish more, seek these waters in person and overcome the tests we have created. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Only in this will you earn our respect.<!--
-->|Second ''Oathbringer'' Letter
Your letter is most intriguing, even revelatory. I would have thought, before attaining my current station, that a deity could not be surprised. Obviously, that is not true. I can be surprised. I can perhaps even be naive, I think. I am the least equipped, of all, to aid you in this endeavor. I am finding that the powers I hold are in such conflict that the most simple of actions can be difficult. I am also made uncertain by your subterfuge. Why have you not made yourself known to me before this? How is it you can hide? Who are you truly, and how do you know so much about [[Adonalsium]]? If you would speak to me further, I request open honesty. Return to my lands, approach my servants, and I will see what I can do for your quest.<!--
-->|Third ''Oathbringer'' Letter
== Speculation ==
The author of the First Letter is likely [[Hoid]]; an excellent argument in favor of this point has been posted [[17s-topic:76|on the forums]]. Sanderson did confirm that we "may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse," and the Letter is the only mention of anyone holding a grudge against Rayse.{{17s ref|post|50695|text=Hoid has a specific beef against Rayse.|date=2013-03-15}} The Second Letter, from the epigraphs of ''Words of Radiance'', indicates that the original writer had taken on a name describing one of his "presumed virtues." This could be in reference to Hoid taking on the title of "Wit" while in Alethkar.{{epigraph ref|wor|60}} Sanderson also made no correction when asked a question about "Hoid's letter," in a Q&A session.{{qa ref|1067|2|Is the "old reptile" a dragon?|date=2013-09-24}}
[[The Recipient]]'s identity is less clear, but their non-intervention policy and some other details may suggest that it is [[Frost]] from ''[[Dragonsteel Prime|Dragonsteel]]''.{{tweet ref|22409474870349824|Frost's appearance in other books|date=2011-01-04}}. It has been confirmed that the recipient is a dragon{{qa ref|1067|2|Is the "old reptile" a dragon?|date=2013-09-24}}.
Brandon has confirmed that the authors of the ''Oathbringer'' letters are Shards we know{{17s ref|post|638473|text=Oathbringer's letters are from Shards we know.|date=2017-11-19}}, suggesting that the first letter was written by [[Endowment]].
The author of the second ''Oathbringer'' letter goes unnamed, but their behaviourbehavior and an implication of extreme self-sufficincysufficiency in both action and personality means that this may be the bearer of the shard [[Autonomy]].
The third ''Oathbringer'' letter seems to be [[Sazed]], from their writing pattern, reference to possessing two diametrically opposing shards, as well as relative ignorance regarding adonalsiumAdonalsium.
== Notes ==