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== Appearance ==
The koloss are physically very large and very powerful. Koloss have blue skin and red eyes. {{book ref|mb2|19}} A full-sized koloss could grow to be as tall as twelve feet. A young koloss has as much skin as it would come to have in its later life. Because of this, the younger a koloss is, the fatter theyit appearappears, due to having tooso much baggy skin covering themselvesitself. The skin itself doesn't hold terribly firmly to the koloss' body.{{book ref|mb2|19}} As the koloss grow taller, their skin tears and fits tightly to them. A kolossAn ancient koloss will have little to no skin at all, being covered instead in leather wrappings.{{book ref|eltania}}. When a koloss reaches about twelve feet, theirits heartsheart can no longer sustain theirits bodiesbody, and theyit diedies shortly thereafter.
== Creation and reproduction==
Anonymous user