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Koloss are said to have two emotional states: boredom and rage. Because of this, their day to day lives are filled with milling about and fighting. When there is nothing else to fight near them, the koloss turn to in-fighting. Their [[koloss blades|blades]] are distributed as a means of population control, as well as weaponry. If a koloss doesn't have a sword it feels is of adequate size, it will have to kill another koloss and take its sword. If there are extra swords, the koloss will expect their handlers to make more koloss to take up those swords.
Most of the killing within a tribe is done solely on a whim, usually to get something the other koloss owns, such as the small sacks of coins they carry, or because some random glance or act has enraged one of the koloss.{{book ref|mb2|19}}
After [[Lord Ruler]]'s death, [[Jastes Lekal]] invented some fake wooden coins and by "paying" with the coins, he recuited an army of koloss. The koloss carry the coins in a small sack and would kill each other for them.{{book ref|mb2|19}} This is probably caused by the re-using of the spikes which increases their intelligence to the point that they can understand economy values.
==After the Ascension==