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The Wall Guard was crippled when most of the high ranking lighteyes disappeared into the Palace after the execution of an ardent and subsequent riots. With no high ranking lighteyes to take charge, a woman calling herself Highmarshal [[Azure]] seized control of the Wall Guard and organized them in the defense of the city. With the use of a single [[Soulcaster]] used by [[Ithi]] and her sister in a room lined with [[Aluminum]], Highmarshal [[Azure]] was able to keep the Wall Guard fed and provide a sizeable amount of food to Kholinar.
They recruited any able bodied fighter, using food and redemption to draw volunteers. Their primary focus was defending the wall from Fused raids, and let the city run itself for the most part. They used extra food to stop the other highlords from trying to seize control of the walls.
=== City Guard ===
=== Palace Guard ===
This is the force tasked with the imitate protection of the royal family in the city and the palace. A portion of the Guards resisted the lure of the Unmade and were locked in a room. While in the room they claim time seemed to pass differently for them, feeling it has only been a few days not a few weeks from the riots.
=== Cult of Moments ===
The cult is divided into two groups. One group roams the street imitating corrupted spren. The rest of the members hold feasts on the Monastery Dias. [Ashertmarn], the Heart of the Revel, compels them to mindless hedonism. The cult takes new members easily, provided that they can give food. Shallan is able to join the revelers on the Oathgate platform by stealing and distributing food.
== Notes ==