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(→‎Early Life: Fixed some grammatical errors, but this probably needs to be completely rewritten)
=== The Skaa Rebellion ===
To put the plan in Motion KelsiersKelsier first tragetedtargeted [[Keep Venture]] as House Venture was the currently most PowerfullPowerful House in Luthadel and an attack on it would have the greatest impact. Kelsier killed 8 [[Hazekiller]]s, stole a Bagbag of [[atium]] and made sure that it became Known that a MistborneMistborn had attacked a greate House, somthingsomething forbidenforbidden by an unspoken agrementagreement between the houses. He gifted Vin a [[Mistcloak]] and Started to teach her Allomancy. Vin expected that Kelsier would use his Knowlegeknowledge to Controllcontrol her, but to her SupriseSurprise he openly Explaniedexplained her the Eight Basic Metals. Kelsier let Vin jump over the CitywallsCity walls as an exercise for [[steel]] and [[iron]] and was SuprisedSurprised how Voluntarily she did it; Rememberingremembering his Ownown Traniningtraining. OutsiedeOutside the City they saw a [[Mistwraith]]. Back at the City Gates Kelsier Introduce Vin to [[Sazed]]. Realizing Vin didn't trust him he told her that in his Crew they trust eachothereach other. He offered her to teach her about [[gold]] and [[atium]] give her the Money he took from Camon and allowing her to leave as he didn't want to force sombodysomebody in his Crew. Vin decided to stay in order to see if he telled the Truthtruth about Trustingtrusting others.
In the Followingfollowing Monthsmonths Kelsier himself takes on many roles for the plan, acting as a beacon to the repressed skaa, assisting in recruitment,{{book ref|mb1|10}} attacking many noblemen to increase the tensions between the Great Houses,{{book ref|mb1|5}}, collecting information by purchasing it from informants, and even poses as an informant himself in order to provide misinformation to noblemen.{{book ref|mb1|19}} He contiuedcontinued training Vin and was SupriesedSurprised by her quick progress. Though they suffer many setbacks, Kelsier's leadership allows the rebellion to attain an army of sufficient size to hold Luthadel.
=== Death ===