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shared with them his Ascension knowledge of Ruin's future plans of eventual freedom to destroy the world, resulting in the kandra Contract with Rashek, and containing secret instructions only communicated in their minds. Rashek's friends were Feruchemists and could not be given Allomancy, for he recognized their powers posed a threat, of any combined abilities like his own. He offered them a bargain, immortality in exchange for their Feruchemy, which they gave up, along with their humanity. His companions still live, as the very Terris packmen who climbed to the Well with him, as the First Generation, and the founders of the kandra people. The Father then transformed every living Feruchemist into mistwraiths, but he returned his good friends to sentience with Hemalurgic spikes. Allomancy was given to political allies, the nine beads of Lerasium at the Well, making the Original Nine Ancient Allomancer supporters. The Lord Ruler spent ten centuries trying to breed Feruchemy out of the Terris population, in fear that someday someone would be born with both Feruchemy and Allomancy.
Kandra were made third and last, as the Lord Ruler's power waned but his knowledge had increased. Accordingly, kandra are different, more subtle creations than the others fromcreated using Hemalurgy,. They withhave more independence of will than koloss or Inquisitors, who are more affected by Ruin and driven powerfully to kill. The hemalurgicalHemalurgic metal spikes distort the humanity in the recipient, but kandra are spiked when they are mistwraiths, not humans, and the spikes returnactually ''grant'' some measure of humanity to them. The additional benefits that grantedthe Blessings grant are also different, wherethan Feruchemythose andgranted to Inquisitors. Instead of granting Feruchemical or Allomantic powers Allomancythat givegrant temporary and sometimes spectacular bursts of strength, the BlessingBlessings ofgiven to kandra strengthgrant willincreased neverabilities runthat out,are consistent and stable.
Physically, the kandra resemble a [[Mistwraith]] in their natural form, however, they are {{wp|Shapeshifting|shapeshifters}}.
Because of their advanced age, the '''First Generation''' appear to be made of darker coloured flesh which tendtended to hang off them. TheirThe bones that they wear are their own original bones, from when they were Terris packmen.
When theykandra are in their Homeland, all subsequent Generations prefer the form of a [[True Body]], which is a set of false bones, generally human-shaped, bones that are crafted by a kandra artisan. Some True Body forms are quartz, withand kandra show off their True Bodies by creating translucent skin, allowingthat allows the stone to sparkle faintly in the light.{{ref|annotation|mb3|page 140}} Kandra have spent ten centuries enslaved to humankind, serving the Contracts in an effort to keep themselves safe. Most of the kandra hate humans for their situation, but ironically, most kandra True Bodies are human-shaped, two arms, two legs, faces, even while they curse humankind for keeping them enslaved.{{ref|annotation|mb3|page 144}}
There are other jobs for kandra to perform in [[Homeland|the Homeland]], such as the teaching and instruction of a child kandra, something to be considered a prestigious job among kandra.{{ref|annotation|mb3|chapter=9}}
They referred to the Lord Ruler as the Father, because he was responsible for their creation. TenSoonAfter alsohis death, TenSoon decidedadvocated that [[Vin]] should be considered the Mother, because she was the one who had slain the Lord Ruler, but. itIt is unknown if other kandra accepted this title for her or not.
The First Generation typically only communicates with the Second Generation. The First Generation were the first kandra created by the Lord Ruler. All subsequent generations were then created by the Firsts, every hundred years. During the approximate thousand years of the Lord Ruler's reign, there have been Eleven Generations, with a Twelfth Generation unlikely, as their Father is dead.
{{quote|They were of Preservation all along.|[[Harmony]] on the Kandra}}
The kandra believed that they were Preservation, while the koloss, humans and Inquisitors were of Ruin,. althoughThis likewas true despite the fact that, like other HemalurgicHemalurgically-created constructsraces, they hadwere possessed of Hemalurgic spikes. The Lord Ruler created the kandra to be his spies, and the Noblesnoble class believed they were his spies for the new government. and theyThey often used themthe askandra such howeverin the Lordway Rulerthey hadthought alwaysthey intendedwere meant to be used, but ultimately Rashek's plan was for them to be his double agents, theagainst planRuin. wasAccording thatto the plan, Ruin would believe that he could take control of the Kandra whenever he wanted, as they were all planted with Hemalurgic spikes. However, due to a clause in the First Contract, as well as the Trust and the Resolution, thatinstead theof kandrabeing hadused by Ruin, they pulledwould thepull their spikes free when and if Ruin triedwere to try and seize control of them. ThisDuring disruptedthe events of ''[[The Hero of Ages]]'', Ruinsthis plan came to fruition exactly as the Lord Ruler had planned, and this disrupted Ruin's efforts and ultimately led to his demise, showing wheredemonstrating the kandra's true allegiance had always lain with Preservation.
== Creation ==
TheWhile the First Generation was created directly by the Lord Ruler, the First Generation created all subsequent generations of kandra through "Blessings", spikes creating using the art of [[Hemalurgy]],. withThe aLord pairRuler ofwould provide hemalurgicHemalurgic metal spikes provided byto the Lord Rulerkandra each century, givingin thea number requested, byand the kandra would use these spikes to convert mistwraiths into full kandra. Two of the same types of spike made up a Blessing, and one Blessing converted a mistwraith into a sentient kandra. During the thousand plus years of the Lord Ruler's reign, there have been Eleven Generations, with a Twelfth Generation unlikely, as their Father is dead. Without the Lord Ruler, the kandra cannot create new Blessings, or new kandra. Sometimes referred to as "mistwraiths that have evolved". It is revealed in the third book Mistborn: ''The Hero of Ages'' that First Generation of kandra are immortal, created from the Lord Ruler's former Terris companions. andKandra do not die naturally. The "Blessings" givenappear to adie mistwraith grant sentience withof additionalnatural benefitscauses.
== Blessings ==
There are four different blessings available to make a kandra. All four grant mistwraiths sentience and convert them into kandra, but they also have additional benefits.{{ref|b|mb3|e|38}}
;[[Blessing of Awareness]]: A pair of tin spikes which grant a kandra increased senses, similar to Allomantically burning tin.{{ref|b|mbag|c|12}}
