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(Added Kandra after the Ascension. Citations to come.)
== Relation To Mistwraiths ==
As stated previously, kandra are mistwraiths altered by hemalurgy and given sentience. Despite the physical similarities, and indeed origins as a mistwraith, kandra are considered a separate species in the Final Empire.
==After the Ascension==
Kandra still exist after the Ascension but now serve Harmony as his agents, using their abilities to blend in with those around them to perform tasks given by Harmony. They are known by Elendel society due to their mention in The Words of Founding, but their mention is reportedly vague. They are often referred to as "Faceless Immortals" and reactions to them are mixed between reverence and scepticism as an urban legend.
After Ruin nearly took control over the Kandra, the surviving Kandra discovered a way to end their own lives on will to spare themselves should the situation require it. Kandra also worked on a way to discover their own kind in guise, using a special substance injected in to the body that would cause a Kandra to "melt" briefly enough to disable it temporarily, but this is fatal to humans.
Kandra still seem reluctant to cause harm and kill humans, although this has become considerably more lax.
Although the Trustwarren has long been abandoned and revered as a holy place, Kandra still get together, albeit under a human guise and in human society.
== Abilities ==