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Kandra have the ability to shapeshift. However, in most cases, they only have the ability to change into and take the appearance of any creature they have digested. Because of this, in order for a kandra to appear as anyone in particular, the subject must be dead and be digested. The shapeshifting process may take anything from several hours or even days to as little as a few seconds.{{book ref|mb5|21}} The digestion is necessary also because kandra cannot create hair, fur, bones, or [[singer]] carapace, so these parts they must get from the digested victims, and be put into place one by one.{{wob ref|2905}}
Especially skilled kandra are able to make their own adjustments to the shape of the creature they are taking. Although mimicking an existing unique individual or creature is most common, the most skilled kandra can use just a skull or set of bones to build a working structure to gain the ability to move around freely and communicate. Being without bones will make kandra unable to move fast, speak or form any proper shape, but doesn't affect their mental ability.{{book ref|mb3|2}} Kandra can create bodies without a beating heart, which helps reduce caloric intake.{{book ref|tress|18}} They can crack simple locks by inserting their part of their body into the mechanism.{{book ref|mb6|19}}
Kandra are known to be unmatched actors. Before assuming the role of a certain person, a kandra will spend a significant amount of time observing the individual in order to learn their mannerisms, history, and relationships. As a result, it is almost impossible to tell a kandra apart from the actual individual they are impersonating. Wearing a body can influence how a kandra acts, such as wearing a dog's body causing them to adopt dog-like mannerisms.{{book ref|mb7|11}} However, this is not caused by following the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] ideal of the body they are wearing.{{wob ref|15701}}
In combat, kandra can form powerful muscles and heal most wounds immediately, utilizing their ability to shapeshift. Their True Bodies can have specializations for combat, such as [[aluminum]] bones and hidden weapons. They can also turn off their nerves that cause pain.{{book ref|mb6|24}}
Some kandra build bodies for combat purposes,; these bodies can be made of metal to be stronger and heavier and can have sharp bones to use as knives.{{book ref|mb6|16}}
Kandra are capable of assuming smaller shapes, but losing too much mass will cause a kandra to be unable to maintain their intelligence.{{wob ref|750}} They are unable to divide their consciousness between multiple brains.{{book ref|tress|18}}