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(pocket of calm--that disambig link is being used intentionally (lol) since hopefully Intent will be one page that discusses both concepts)
Kaladin often refers to his powers as the Three Lashings. The Full Lashing is sticking objects together with Adhesion. It is the first of the Three Lashings Kaladin mastered, as it is the easiest to perform.{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} He can use this Lashing to bond rocks to a sheer chasm wall and create a ladder.{{book ref|sa1|59}} He also uses the Full Lashing to disarm his opponents by yanking their weapons with his own and neutralize them by bonding them to surfaces while sparring. His Full Lashing had no effect on himself.{{book ref|sa2|12}} He has also bound himself to the saddle of his horse, demonstrating that he can choose when his Full Lashing would bind him or ignore him.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Basic Lashings involve manipulating Gravitation to have an object or person fall in a different direction. After his encounter with the Assassin in White, Kaladin manages to duplicate the ability to perform Basic Lashings.{{book ref|sa2|41}} He has since learned how to perform multiple Lashings in the same or different directions, as well as partial Lashings. He is able to fly by Lashing himself into the air,{{book ref|sa2|86}} and has gotten quite good at instinctively dismissing and renewing Lashings in different directions to achieve complex maneuvers such as looping and banking.{{book ref|sa4|6}} He can also use this ability to transport people over long distances by Lashing both themselves and himself multiple times in a direction. He typically does this while over the [[highstorm]] so as to avoid running out of Light.{{book ref|sa3|60}}
The Reverse Lashings is the most [[Intent]]-centered Lashing of the three, and as such is generally more difficult to use. It involves infusing an object and commanding it to attract a specific other object.{{book ref|sa4|49}} Kaladin unconsciously performed this Lashing during the bridge runs for the entirety of his time as a bridgeman, infusing the bridge he carries to attract the Parshendi arrows being shot at him while approaching the target plateaus.{{book ref|sa1|6}} Later at the Battle of the Tower, he infuses the shield he is carrying to draw an entire volley of arrows shot at Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa1|67}} He also uses this Lashing to rip [[The Pursuer]]'s head from his body.{{book ref|sa4|106}}
In addition to the Lashings, Kaladin is able to his Surges to create a pocket of calm within a highstorm. This manifests as a barrier of [[windspren]].{{book ref|sa3|31}} The place he pulls himself and those with him into isn't entirely the [[Physical Realm]].{{wob ref|3414}}
==== Resonance ====
=== Shardwielding ===
After Kaladin swore the third Ideal of the Windrunners, Sylphrena gained the ability to become a [[Shardblade]]. Unlike the dead Blades left after the Recreance, Kaladin can summon her in the form of any weapon he chooses, as well as a shield, and transform it from one to another almost instantaneously.{{book ref|sa2|86}} Later, the fourth Ideal allows him to additionally summon [[windspren]] and manifest them in the [[Physical Realm]] as [[Shardplate]].{{book ref|sa4|110}} His Plate glows blue at the seams, and is emblazoned with the glyph of [[Bridge Four]] on the chest. The spren that can create it are always present nearby, though not always manifest; this allows Kaladin to summon it at a moment's notice.{{book ref|sa4|114}} He can also send it out to manifest on other people and protect them this way.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
=== Combat Skills ===
Annoyed, [[Tvlakv]] told Kaladin it was good that he was fueled by hatred because it would make him strong, but cautioned that it could keep him from getting vengeance. Kaladin countered, saying he didn’t want vengeance as he learned a long time ago it didn’t work. Tvlakv argued that Kaladin was young still and that he could escape his fate and hunt down the man who sold him into slavery, Highlord [[Amaram]]. Shocked, Kaladin asked how Tvlakv knew about Amaram, but the slaver just said men talk. Though Tvlakv knew the truth about Kaladin’s brands, he told the younger man that they both had to play the game for now to avoid an even worse fate. However, they were at crossroads because Kaladin had left the map in shreds. Kaladin admitted he had never been this way so he didn’t know where to go. As Tvlakv walked away, Kaladin cursed, realizing he almost found himself liking the slaver.{{book ref|sa1|4}}
The wagons continued to roll on after their exchange, even through [[highstorm]]shighstorms. Well before the end of one of them, [[Bluth]] lowered the sides of the wagon, allowing the rain to soak the slaves. Kaladin argued that it was too early to be taking down the sides, but Bluth stated that [[Tvlakv]] wanted them clean today. Realizing they were probably nearing their destination, Kaladin scanned the landscape wondering where they were going. [[Syl]] returned to tell Kaladin there were many others like him nearby. As she pointed eastward, Kaladin was shocked to see the enormous army encampment he’d heard stories about, the place [[Tien]] wanted to go in the end, the army he spent years trying to get into - The [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa1|4}}
=== Bridgeman (1173) ===