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=== Siege of Kholinar (1174) ===
==== Opening Thaylen City's Oathgate ====
After his return, [[Elhokar]] asks Kaladin to join his mission to open the [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate]] and transport the team by flying them with Lashings above the highstorm, which will contantlyconstantly renew their Stormlight. Before doing so, Kaladin practices transporting a large group in this manner by flying [[Dalinar]], [[Navani]], and others from the Oathgate in [[Stormseat]] to the warcamps,{{book ref|sa3|50}} and by flying with [[Shallan]] to unlock the [[Thaylen City]] Oathgate after Queen [[Fen Rnamdi]] finally agrees to have it opened.{{book ref|sa3|58}}