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Kaladin surveyed some of the bridge crews one night, before Syl convinced him to relax a litle and get some stew. He made his way back to Bridge Four's barracks, and was met with two Herdazians: Lopen's "cousins." Kaladin found [[Shen]] stacking bags of grain in the storage room, and Kaladin apologized for being hesitant to arm Shen. He handed a spear to Shen, before being called out by Moash. Upon Moash's prompting, Kaladin agreed to get drinks with some of the bridgemen. When they arrived, [[Peet]] got them a table and Rock told the story of his people. Eventually, Moash took Kaladin aside, and they met with [[Graves]] and some others, including [[Danlan]], a women Adolin had previously been in a relationship with. Graves asked Kaladin to consider assisting them on their mission to assassinate Elhokar, and Kaladin hesitantly agreed, to Syl's dismay. As they left the room, Kaladin forbid Moash from talking or meeting with Graves and the others again.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
{{sidequote|How long had it been since he felt this good, this triumphant, this ''alive''?|Kaladin reflecting on his flight{{book ref|sa2|52}}|side=right|size=300px}}
One night, Kaladin strolled along the Shattered Plains, looking for the place at which he met Wit, months before. Upon reaching the desired location, Kaladin stepped off the edge, plummeting into the chasm. After sucking in Stormlight to assist with the landing, he took off in a jog and practiced Lashing himself to the walls of the chasm. After some time, he was able to do so without stumbling, and was soon able to repeatadly Lash himself quicker and more accurately. He threw caution aside and Lashed himself upward, towards the sky, and experienced true freedom and triumph for the first time after Tien's death. Soon, he was hurtling past chasms and plataues at incredible speeds. Kaladin Lashed himself higher and higher, before reluctantly returning to the ground, fearing he would run out of Stormlight. He conversed with Syl for a moment, before he retured to the warcamps. But rather than returning to Dalinar's camp, he traveled to Sadeas', realizing he could kill Amaram right then and there. Syl pleaded for him not to and reminded Kaladin of the experience he just had. Intent on not tainting the memory, Kaladin returned to Dalinar's camp. Upon returning, he encountered Shen, who said he was had to leave, and gave Kaladin his real name: Rlain. He then departed.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
