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Kaladin then put Teft in charge of the training, suggesting that he combine the remaining bridgemen into twenty crews and train two members in each to go back and train the others. Kaladin promised a few men to assist Teft with his training, explaining that would have to do as most of [[Bridge Four]], including Moash and Skar, would be needed to keep [[Dalinar]] alive. Without Dalinar, Kaladin explained that they would just be sold back to [[Sadeas]]. There was also the threat of the Assassin in White, with word spreading that the emperor of [[Azir]] was dead. He reminded Teft along with Moash and Skar that the Assassin in White had already killed [[Gavilar]] and that he just had to hope he was done. Regardless, they had to protect Dalinar at all costs.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
==== Freedom, Bridge Four ====
Once in agreement, they rounded up the rest of the men in Bridge Four and they went to get their slave brands covered with a tattoo. [[Hobber]] sat down first, with each man following, receiving tattoos that said “Freedom, Bridge Four.” Sitting down last, Kaladin closed his eyes and waited for the tattooist to finish. She cursed, revealing that the tattoo ink wouldn’t take. Kaladin sighed, realizing he had [[Stormlight]] in his veins, not even realizing it. He banished the Stormlight and she tried again, the ink taking this time. He looked in the mirror, seeing his slave brands covered up for a moment. [[Syl]] landed on his shoulder and he unconsciously sucked in Stormlight, which melted the tattoo. The tattooist cursed again and picked up her rag, preparing to try again. He insisted that it was fine and tossed a small bag of spheres to the tattooist.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
| The scars haven’t finished with me yet, it appears. I’ll try again another time.
| Kaladin to the rest of Bridge Four when his tattoo melt away{{book ref|sa2|2}}
When they returned to the barracks, [[Rind]] was waiting for them with the [[Cobalt Guard]] uniforms. The men tried on the uniforms, with [[Moash]] going first. Pleased, the others eagerly put theirs on. [[Teft]] hesitated, stating that he wasn’t sure if he deserved to wear something like this again. Kaladin objected, saying the uniform was what he was and not to let the slave rule him. Teft countered asking Kaladin when he was going to admit that he was doing the same thing. Teft told him he needed to show [[Dalinar]] that he was a [[Surgebinder]] and a lighteyes. Kaladin confessed that everything has been taken away from him by the lighteyes and he can’t help feel panic when he thinks about sharing this with them. For now, he can’t let them take this too, so Kaladin tells him to drop it. Once Teft and the others got their uniforms sorted out, they cut off the insignia of the Cobalt Guard, declaring themselves Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
====Preparing for the Assassin in White====
