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====Training Continues====
Kaladin continued to lead training of the bridge crews, and assigned Teft to train Bridge Seventeen in the chasms. Kaladin wanted to defeat Szeth, now that the bridgemen were mostly safe. While he surveyed training, Kaladin met with Sigzil, Rock, and Lopen, to further discuss Kaladin's abilities. After many attempts, Kaladin fianlly Lashed himself to the chasm wall. Kaladin experimented a little, before he and the others returned to the barracks. They were met with a tense dinner gathering. RenaringRenarin Kholin had come to the fire, and asked Kaladin if he could join Bridge Four. Kaladin allowed him to join, albeit with discomfort at letting a lighteyes join their ranks. Moash, Teft, and a few other bridgmen requested Kaladin go out with them to get drinks, but Kaladin declined the offer, and got some stew.{{book ref|sa2|41}}
After accepting Zahel's offer to train, Kaladin, Teft, Moash, and [[Yake]] visited the training grounds. Zahel had them each practice with one of the King's blades to get comfortable with the sight at one. They also practiced basic sword stances, which would allow them to better attack and defend against a Shardbearer. While taking a break, Kaladin noticed Shallan enter, who had come to update the Shardblade and Plate record. He walked with Adolin towards her, and they shared some banter. Kaladin returned to the water barrel, and Moash arrived shortly after. They discussed the reason for Moash's hatred towards the King, and Kaladin agreed to meet with the Moash's partners. He talked with Syl about what was right, and mentioned Dalinar's maneuver when fighting Szeth to Zahel, a lastclap, before training some more with the other men.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
Kaladin surveyed some of the bridge crews one night, before Syl convinced him to relax a litle and get some stew. He made his way back to Bridge Four's barracks, and was met with two Herdazians: Lopen's "cousins." Kaladin found [[Shen]] stacking bags of grain in the storage room, and Kaladin apologized for being hesitant to arm Shen. He handed a spear to Shen, before being called out by Moash. Upon Moash's prompting, Kaladin agreed to get drinks with some of the bridgemen. When they arrived, [[Peet]] got them a table and Rock told the story of his people. Eventually, Moash took Kaladin aside, and they met with [[Graves]] and some others, including [[Danlan]], a women Adolin had previously been in a relationship withcourted. Graves asked Kaladin to consider assisting them on their mission to assassinate Elhokar, and Kaladin hesitantly agreed, to Syl's dismay. As they left the room, Kaladin forbid Moash from talking or meeting with Graves and the others again.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
{{sidequote|How long had it been since he felt this good, this triumphant, this alive?|Kaladin reflecting on his flight{{book ref|sa2|52}}|side=right|size=350px}}
