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(The WoR section of Kaladin's history seems to be missing quite a lot of details. Just going through and rearranging so it matches the exact events. I'll slowly work my way through, just to make it a bit easier to understand.)
(History pages are written in past tense. Most everything else can be in present.)
|Kaladin to Dalinar before jumping into the arena.{{book ref|wor|56}}
Adolin was having a difficult time getting people to duel him, so he tellstold [[Relis]] that he iswas allowed to bring "anyone else he wants', expecting him to bring one other person. However, Relis bringsbrought three others: [[Elit]], [[Jakamav]], and [[Abrobadar]]. Although he was a skilled dueler, Adolin did not stand a chance against four opponents. Renarin joined the fight to try and help his brother, but he froze up as soon as he summoned his Blade. Kaladin, who had been standing with Dalinar, proclaimed honor dead, and asked Dalinar to take care of his men if things go poorly, before jumping into the arena to savehelp Adolin.{{book ref|sa2|56}}
Kaladin tellstold Syl that this better end differently than when he saved Amaram, and Syl promisespromised that it willwould. Relis ignoresignored Kaladin at first, andbut payspayed the price aswhen he getsgot stabbed in a crack in his armor. Kaladin guardsregrouped with Adolin's, guarding his back, and sayssaid that Adolin will needneeded to break their foes' shardplateShardplate for him, so it would be easier to hit them. Adolin says forasked Kaladin to distract one foe and to watch out for Renarin while he fightsfought the other two and. Kaladin agrees. Kaladin drawsdrew Relis' attention while Adolin fightsfought Elit and Jakamav. Relis fightsdueled Kaladin for a short time, but then goes backreturns to fight Adolin, who iswas skillfully dueling his two foes, so. Kaladin usesused a lashing-enhanced kick to knock Relis down, breaking his own legs in process, though he iswas able to heal them using Stormlight. Kaladin seesnotices that he cracked some of Relis' shards as well. Adolin's own armor iswas mostly cracked but he getsmanaged to land a strong blow aton Elit's andchestplate, crackscracking his chestplate,it slowing Elit greatly. Kaladin seessaw Abrobadar waving his blade at the ground and Sylphrena exclaimsexclaimed about something mysterious and fliesflew over toward Renarin. Kaladin usesused his broken spear to strike Elit in his exposed armor, and forcesforced him to yield.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
The remaining three opponents gathergathered to battle Adolin, leaving Renarin alone to sit in the sand. Kaladin demandsdemanded Elit to give him his helm, who complied, and usesused it as a armored gauntlet. He rushesrushed over to Adolin with a knife in his other hand. Kaladin trickstricked Relis into backing away, then he goescontinues to help Adolin. Relis and Jakamav both trytried to attack Kaladin, with Sylphrena circling around him, andbut he dodgesis able to dodge their shardbladesShardblades, or blocksblock them with the helm. That is, until he runs out of stormlightStormlight, realizingwhen Kaladin realized the helm drained it from him. Kaladin iswas backed against a wall, butuntil Adolin appearsappeared and grapplesgrappled Jakamav to the ground. Kaladin seesnoticed that Abrobadar washad justbeen defeated by Adolin as well. Relis, who iswas the last man standing, rushesrushed toward Renarin and. Kaladin follows, yellingand atyelled for Renarin to yield, buthowever he only dismissesdismissed his blade and doesdid nothing. Relis raisesraised his blade toward Renarin but endsended up swinging it at Kaladin, andwho Kaladinis catchesable to catch it. thenRelis hearsheard a scream that soundscame likefrom Sylphrena.Kaladin Relisholding hearsa the screamShardblade, and dropsran the blade and vacatesfrom the arena, forfeiting the duel. Jakamav yells at Adolin to fight him as he is held down and Kaladin walks up to him with his knife and places it by a crack in his armor and tells him to yield or else. Jakamav yields and Adolin is declared victor. Adolin laughs joyously at the spoils he won and asks Kaladin to help him remove his drained armor.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
Elhokar announcesannounced how impressed he iswas by Adolinthe duel, and offersoffered himAdolin a boon. Kaladin noticesnoticed Sadeas trying to leave the arena, but before heSadeas could slip doesaway, Adolin demandsdemanded the right to duel Sadeas, thereright then and thenthere. Kaladin also demandsdemanded athe boonright to challenge Amaram there and then, for thehis crimes of murder and obstruction of justice, causingwhich caused Amaram to cower,. AdolinNext to groanKaladin, Adolin groaned, and the crowd to silencesilenced. Elhokar ordersordered Kaladin to be arrested.{{book ref|sa2|57}}{{book ref|sa2|58}}
{{image|Kaladin Inprisoned by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Kaladin in prison}}