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m (fixed a few spelling mistakes, amended the tense to be consistent, fixed some grammar and syntax in 'Trip Through Shadesmar' and 'Battle of Thaylen Field' sections)
When the reached the [[Riino's lighthouse|lighthouse]] at the end of the peninsula, Kaladin tried to sneak up on it. As he attracted anticipationspren, he was quickly spotted by the lighthouse keeper, [[Riino]]. Riino believed Kaladin was there to have his fortune told, while Kaladin wanted to go and get the others. When he understood what Riino was talking about, Kaladin was aghast at the idea of seeing the future, and said they were looking for passage on a ship. Outside the clouds changed as a highstorm is passing in the Physical. Kaladin is attracted by the globe on the table which was shining brightly and touched it. He had a vision of Dalinar with nine shadows and the danger he was in, then a flash of Thaylen City. Later, Kaladin sat to recover while the others arranged passage and supplies. They debated the destination, but had to take the ship sailed by [[Lightspren|Reachers]] to Celebrant.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
The next morning, Kaladin woke up on the ship. The captain, [[Ico]], took him to the hold to get the special device thathat could make water for the humans. He then talked with Syl, about the ship and why she iswas wearing a disguise. Shallan and Kaladin discussed spren and the weird ship.{{book ref|sa3|99}} When arriving in Celebrant, the group splittedsplit up; Kaladin went with Adolin and Syl to change money and buy supplies. Kaladin got distracted by a stall selling paintings, including a painting from the [[Court of Gods]] seemingly depicting a figure with nine shadows. The group soon discovered that the city was under control of the Fused. They narrowly escaped when Syl surrendered herself to a ship of honorspren.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
The honorspren sailed south-west, letting the group move freely on deck except Syl who was kept captive. Kaladin was very angry over Syl's imprisonment, and wanted to fight her free. Eventually, Kal went to the high deck to use a spyglass. He confronted the captain, and in the process revealed that Dalinar had bonded the Stormfather, which impressed the honorspren very much. Shortly thereafter, they spoted eight Fused in pursuit of the ship.{{book ref|sa3|108}} They were close to [[Longbrow's Straits]], here a land area, with Thaylen City on the other side. Using the bead of a room, Adolin, Shallan, Kaladin, and their spren snuck into the bead ocean while the honorspren and Azure held off the Fused. Kaladin flew them part of the distance, and the group had an exhausting hike across the land to get to the Thaylen City Oathgate, only to find it guarded.{{book ref|sa3|110}}{{book ref|sa3|112}} The group attacked the Oathgate in an attempt to get back to the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Kaladin used some of the remaining stormlight to attack the Fused, he managed to draw four into an extended chase.{{book ref|sa3|116}} he managed to disarm one of them, and one of the others offered a challenge. Exactly then his stormlight ran out, and he dropped into the beads. Syl pulled him out of the beads, and durignduring the whole fight encouraged him to speak the fourth ideal. Kaladin wasn't ready yet.{{book ref|sa3|117}}
{{image|Servant of Odium by Petar Penev.jpg|side=left|width=200px|Fighting [[Amaram]]}}
Dalinar then opened [[Honor's Perpendicularity]], allowing Kaladin, along with Shallan and Adolin, to return to the Physical Realm. When appearing out of the perpendicularity Kaladin blocked Amaram's blow that was meant to kill Dalinar. Dalinar then ordered Kaladin to guard him and settle the score with Amaram.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Kaladin set off into the sky, and felt at home again. He attacked Amaram, who iswas wieldedwielding two shardblades and had a red glow in ishis helmet. Kaladin's fight was complicated as he also had to watch Dalinar, and defend himehim from Fused. Slowly Amaram was getting access to the Surges while he was tranformedtransformed by [[Yelig-nar]]. Kaladin was suprisedsurprised by those, and had trouble adjusting his attacks and defenses. During the fight, Kaladin was suddenly hit with a club by a Fused hidden nearby. Kaladin disabled histhe Fused's arms with hsihis sharbladeshardblade, to focus on Amaram again. He fought alternating with Amaram and the fused. Then AmramAmaram launched into a lecture about honor, which Kaladin dismissed. HeKaladin attacksattacked again and breaksbroke the highlord's breastplate revealing a large crystal underneath. Kaladin attacked the gem and Amaram fell, followed by an attack of eight Fused. The fused swarmed Kaladin, and he triestried to dodge them while keeping them engaged away from Dalinar. When Dalinar trapped the Thrill, the Fused fleefled and suddenly Amaram appearsappeared again. Kaladin whispered "Bridge Four" when Amaram got shot by Rock with an arrow in the head. Afterwards, Lopen brought stormlight to Kaladin to heal.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
Later, Kaladin setsat down on a rooftop overlooking TaylenThaylen City. He noticed Shallan kissing Adolin in an alley below. He showed Syl a rock he found on the battlefield, one that changeschanged color when wet. They talked about the Recreance and what it means for the current Radiants. heHe flew to bridge four and had a heart to heart with Teft about the sturgglesstruggles of life. laterLater a scout came with an urgent message.{{book ref|sa3|121}} Kaladin flew over the Ocean to southern Alethkar, where he found Skar and Drehy. They were hidignhiding among the refugees together with little Gavinor.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Relationships ==