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m (→‎Personality: ...and moving it here)
(Adding a section on development)
| Kaladin to [[Sylphrena]]{{book ref|sa1|14}}
'''Kaladin''', nicknamed '''Kal''', renowned as '''Kaladin Stormblessed''', is a [[darkeyes|darkeyed]] [[Order of Windrunners|Windrunner]] of the [[Knights Radiant]] from [[Alethkar]]. Despite being trained as a surgeon from an early age by [[Lirin|his father]], his chosen profession is that of a soldier. He is famed as the captain of [[Highprince]] [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s personal guard, a unit known as [[Bridge Four]], and commander of the [[bridge crew|bridgemen]] battalion.
This changed when Kaladin, at a suicidal disadvantage, aided Adolin in a battle against 4 other Shardbearers. After the duel, while the king was offering a boon to Adolin, Kaladin unknowingly embarrassed Elhokar by demanding a Right of Challenge to face Amaram in the arena, resulting in his incarceration. This only further convinced Kaladin that lighteyes couldn't be trusted.[31] Upon being freed, however, he discovered that Adolin had demanded to be locked up in the same prison, and refused to be released until Kaladin was pardoned. When questioned why, the prince would only say that it wasn't right after Kaladin had saved his life. Adolin then offered Kaladin one of the newly won sets of Shards, though the former bridgeman refused both, stating that the artifacts had killed too many of his friends for him to want anything to do with them. Confused, the prince instead gave the set to Moash at Kaladin's recommendation. From there the two became good friends although their friendship was stressed due to Shallan Davar although the two has since moved on with Shallan and Adolin confessing to each other and Kaladin giving up on her for good.
== Development ==
| Back when Kaladin was called Merin, he didn't work well as a character. He was too much the standard "farmboy who becomes a nobleman" from fantasy genre cliché.
| ''[[The Way of Kings]]'' annotations{{wob ref|8965}}
Kaladin's precursor in the [[Stormlight Archive]] was '''Merin''', a character Brandon came up with in the year 2000. In the original draft for ''The Way of Kings'', ''[[The Way of Kings Prime]]'', Merin wins a [[Shardblade]] after defending [[Elhokar]] on the field of battle. Much like Kaladin, Merin is of low social rank (it's unclear if the concept of eye color denoting social status was already present). As such, there are people who don't wish to him to have the Shards; however, at the insistence of Dalenar (proto-[[Dalinar]]), Merin is made a Shardbearer and adopted into [[House Kholin]].{{wob ref|4650}}
However, Brandon was very dissatisfied with Merin's character, feeling as though there was nothing interesting to him after he accepted the Shardblade. As such, he set out to add more personality to him. The surgeon backstory came first, followed by the personal tragedy of losing a family member and the decision to have Merin deny the Shardblades, with all consequences thereof. Finally, Brandon decided to give the character depression to round him out. Overall, it took about eight years for Merin to evolve.{{wob ref|5344}} The [[Shattered Plains]] plot, originally of ''[[Dragonsteel]]'', was moved to Roshar partially to assist in that, giving more context to Merin's slavery.{{wob ref|4650}}
Merin's name was up for change for a while at this point, as it sounded too much like [[wikipedia:Perrin Aybara|Perrin]]. Moreover, this new character felt too different to be still called Merin, and Brandon wanted this new protagonist to have a new, more mythic-sounding name; thus, Kaladin was born.{{wob ref|10099}}{{wob ref|10237}}
== Quotes ==
* Kaladin spoke the Second Ideal of the Windrunners in modern Alethi.{{wob ref|4049}}
* Despite previous contradicting statements by Brandon, Kaladin is not likely to get another flashback book anymore.{{cite|previous ref was wrong?}}
* Kaladin was originally named Merin. One of the reasons for the name change was that Merin sounded too much like [[Wikipedia: Perrin Aybara|Perrin]].{{wob ref|10237}} Another was it sounded too much like a female name. Brandon also felt that the character had changed so much that he couldn't think of him as Merin anymore.{{wob ref|10099}}
* In the original manuscript of ''The Way of Kings'', Kaladin saves the life of Elhokar from a Shardbearer and accepts the Shardblade. They try to take it away from him, but Dalinar insists that he be given it.{{wob ref|4650}}
* Kaladin's name comes from the combining of the name [[Kalak]] and the Alethi suffix 'din'. His name means 'born unto eternity'.{{wob ref|3199}}
* Kaladin and [[Aesudan Kholin]] are distantly related, through Hesina.{{wob ref|10909}}