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m (present tense in intro; deleted comma splices; uncapsed appearance/personality)
m (whoops that was misspelled)
== Attributes & AbilitesAbilities ==
Due to his training in various monasteries, Hrathen is a skilled unarmed combatant, capable of disarming a seasoned soldier and disabling several attackers with ease. He is also quite skilled with a sword, using it to fend off several Dakhor monks.{{book ref|elantris|61}} His official gyorn's set of full plate armor, unlike that of many of his colleagues, was fully functional, and since he wore it at all times he was in public--most of his waking hours--he was in excellent physical condition.
Hrathen is also a talented speaker and strategist, capable of winning people to his cause and accurately predicting his opponents’ motives and creating potent counters to such moves.