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The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works. Information about books that have not yet been released, like Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine!

Hoid is a reoccurring character in Brandon Sanderson's adult fiction novels. Although his appearance varies from world to world, and even from book to book within a world, Brandon Sanderson has confirmed that all the instances of Hoid are, in fact, one individual, linked to the larger universe (the Cosmere). Currently, any theories as to the role that Hoid plays in the meta-mythology are purely speculation. For more discussion of these theories, see the forum pages.

List of Appearances

  • Elantris - Hrathen encounters a beggar named Hoid while walking around Elantris at night
  • Mistborn - Hoid is the street informant that Kelsier visits
  • Well of Ascension - ???
  • Hero of Ages - Hoid is a beggar/street informant in Fadrex City. In the chapter annotation, Brandon implies that there was some significance to his presence here.
  • Warbreaker - Hoid is the storyteller that Lightsong summons. This is Hoid's longest speaking part to date.

The Stormlight Archive

In a departure from his previous appearances, Hoid plays a relatively major role in the Stormlight Archive. Most often referred to as "Wit", Hoid plays a key role in the development of both Kaladin and Dalinar. His longest dialog to date occurs in Chapter 57 of The Way of Kings, but the promise of additional appearances to come is reinforced by his appearance in the very last chapter of the book.