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'''Hoid''' is a recurring character in [[Brandon Sanderson]]'s adult fiction novels. Although his appearance varies from world to world, and even from book to book within a world, Brandon Sanderson has confirmed that all the instances of Hoid are, in fact, one individual, linked to the larger universe (the [[Cosmere]]). Currently, any theories as to the role that Hoid plays in the meta-mythology are purely speculation. For more discussion of these theories, see the [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/index.php/board,18.0.html forum pages].
>==Minor Appearances==
*[[Elantris]] - Hoid is a beggar helping smuggle weapons for [[Sarene]] into [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]
*[[Mistborn: The Final Empire]] - Hoid is the street informant that [[Kelsier]] visits
*[[Mistborn: The Hero of Ages]] - Hoid is a beggar/street informant in [[Fadrex City]]. In the [http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation/290/Mistborn-3-Chapter-Twenty-Seven chapter annotation], Brandon seems to imply that there was some significance to his presence here.
*[[Warbreaker]] - Hoid is the storyteller that [[Lightsong]] summons.
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==[[The Stormlight Archive]]==
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