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→‎Abilities: Moving this off my work page so the stuff that's more or less ready doesn't languish
(→‎Abilities: Moving this off my work page so the stuff that's more or less ready doesn't languish)
== Abilities ==
Hoid does not yet have the abilities of every planet he's visited.{{qawob ref|1110|52853}} Some of his powers predate the [[Shattering]], but none of them are gained through [[Hemalurgy]].{{qawob ref|1115|446658}} ThisHoid is becauseconcerned heabout doesopening nothimself want to "open himselfup to the influence of Shards", so "he'd moreonly likelygains doaccess thingsto themanifestations of Investiture through more hardconventional way"ways.{{wob ref|656}} When asked about how many types of magic he can use, BrandonHoid has pointedaccess outto thatmultiple theyInvested are all really part of the same system so it's difficult to countArts, but henot wouldn'tan sayincredibly thatlarge Hoid knows 'hundreds' of varieties of magicnumber.{{qawob ref|1094|431044}}
=== Appearance Changing ===
Hoid can change his appearance using an unknown power.{{qa ref|1151|76|Brandon on Hoid|date=2016-02-26}}
=== Illusions ===
Possible illusion magic from [[Yolen]]. This could allow him to create images of anything he likes, and even possibly change how he looks to others. This is the presumed power that Hoid uses when telling stories in his various disguises.
|I see. You do not yet understand the nature of lies. I had that trouble myself, long ago. The Shards here are very strict. You will have to see the truth, child, before you can expand upon it. Just as a man should know the law before he breaks it.
|Hoid on Lightweaving to Shallan{{book ref|sa2|45}}
Hoid has access to an Invested Art known as Lightweaving that originates from Yolen prior to the Shattering of Adonalsium.{{wob ref|8909}} Lightweaving allows for the creation of optical and sonic illusions.{{book ref|sa2|ars}} This Lightweaving was much less restrictive than the later Rosharan variant,{{book ref|sa2|45}} and did not require a spren or Stormlight to function.{{wob ref|8909}} Hoid sometimes makes use of this ability in his disguises{{wob ref|5775}} although he has several ways of changing how he looks{{wob ref|5024}} and he also makes uses of practical effects as well.{{epigraph ref|sa3|35}} He may also make use of it in some of his storytelling,{{wob ref|8329}} such as the pictures of [[Derethil]] and the [[Wandersail]] Kaladin sees in the smoke when Hoid is telling him a story.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Hoid's Yolish Lightweaving does not always seem to function perfectly on Roshar,{{wob ref|9346}} in fact he needs help from Shallan to fully craft an illusion.{{book ref|sa3|82}} His power is somehow limited, and he has trouble making some aspects of it work, even after multiple attempts.{{wob ref|9346}} It is uncertain why this occurs and whether or not this issue is unique to Roshar. Hoid's bonding of a cryptic will allow for some supplemental ability with his Lightweaving{{wob ref|8473}} and may allow him to overcome this issue crafting illusions, although further impacts or resonances between the two are unknown.{{wob ref|8664}} Hoid's access to Yolish Lightweaving does allow him to guide another Lightweaver's power, although this is not something he would be able to do with just any Invested Art.{{wob ref|9346}}
=== Worldhopping ===
Hoid travels between various planets within the cosmere by making use of perpendicularities,{{wob ref|1472}} places usually created by the presence of a Shard on a planet where the sheer power of Investiture causes the borders between the realms to be weakened.{{au ref|drominad}} A knowledgeable person such as Hoid is able to transition from the Physical Realm to the Cognitive Realm.{{wob ref|1472}} Hoid can then travel to a different world's subastral, as the distances between worlds in Shadesmar are much smaller than in the Physical Realm.{{wob ref|4132}} Hoid is very proficient at traveling in Shadesmar.{{wob ref|5981}} He can easily travel to any world that has an active [[perpendicularity]], even those worlds where the perpendicularities are dangerous to pass through such as the [[Well of Ascension]].{{msh ref|2|1}} Hoid is known to be aware of perpendicularities on Scadrial,{{msh ref|2|1}} Sel,{{book ref|Elantris|part=postscript}} and Roshar,{{book ref|sa2|46}} and likely knows of Nalthis's perpendicularity as well.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{wob ref|9501}} While Hoid typically makes use of natural perpendicularities in his travels, later in life he may also have access to an ability that essentially allows him to generate his own personal perpendicularity, much like the [[Surge]] of Transportation.{{wob ref|9294}}
Hoid is very good at traveling Shadesmar.{{qa ref|428|102}} He can travel to any world he likes {{cite}}, and can even use this ability to move swiftly around a single planet and to get to otherwise inaccessible areas, like the Well of Ascension.{{17s ref|post|42244}}
=== Agelessness and Time-Dilation ===
However according to [[Rock]] when he encountered Hoid he had to ask [[Rock]] what time it was in the [[Horneater]] calendar, which may mean that while he is very good at getting around places he does not always know when he will arrive on a planet (locally speaking) or that his worldhopping is imprecise in terms of the time it takes for him to travel somewhere.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
|Other men . . . other men, as they age, merely grow stranger. I fear that I am one of those. I am the bones of a foreign species left drying on the plain that was once, long ago, a sea. A curiosity, perhaps a reminder, that all has not always been as it is now.
|Hoid on his age{{book ref|sa3|68}}
Hoid has lived for many more years than any mortal human would be able to live.{{wob ref|4031}} This immortality is known to have come from some remnant of the weapon the original sixteen Vessels constructed in an attempt to kill Adonalsium.{{wob ref|10439}} Additionally, Hoid has not actually experienced all those years,{{wob ref|6585}} instead making use of some time-dilation technique that may render him somehow unconscious or unaware.{{wob ref|4083}} However, Hoid does not have the ability to travel backwards in time.{{wob ref|37}}
=== ExtremelyHealing long life and time dilationFactor ===
Hoid is far older than any human could really live. He also hasn't lived through all those years. He can move swiftly forward in time, but has not yet traveled backwards in time.{{qa ref|622|106}}
|I'd be surprised if that little knife of yours poses me any real threat, Kholin
Hoid's immortality is connected to a weapon that was used to kill [[Adonalsium]].{{wob ref|10439}}
|Hoid to Jasnah on her Shardblade
Hoid has access to some sort of healing factor that is capable of repairing both the body and the [[Spiritweb|soul]].{{qa ref|1071|2}} He is able to regenerate any damaged body parts at will, including his head. Hoid is able to repress his healing factor in some way, preventing instantaneous healing, an ability that he makes use of in some of his disguises.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This healing factor makes it very difficult to kill Hoid,{{qa ref|1044|9}} although he is still at least somewhat vulnerable.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} The name of the manifestation of Investiture responsible for Hoid's healing is unknown, but it is ancient,{{wob ref|8498}} likely originating from some Pre-Shattering source. It is uncertain whether or not this healing factor is at all related to Hoid's apparent agelessness, which is known to originate from a remnant of a weapon built to kill Adonalsium.{{wob ref|10439}}
=== RegenerationFortune ===
Hoid is able to regenerate body parts and even heal his soul if it is severed.{{qa ref|1071|2}} He is unafraid of Jasnah's Shardblade saying, "I'd be surprised if that little knife of yours poses me any real threat ...." Sanderson has also said that Hoid would do well in a fight between all his protagonists because he is "really, really, really hard to kill."{{qa ref|1044|9}} Hoid comments about repressing his healing for a few days to slow the regrowth of a tooth he had deliberately knocked out.{{Book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This ability comes from a magic system that "predates any of the others".{{wob ref|8498}} Presumably, this means that the magic system Hoid uses to heal himself is pre-Shattering.
|I have discovered a place that I must be, though to be honest I'm not exactly sure why I need to be there. This doesn't always work as well as I'd like it to.
|Hoid to Dalinar{{book ref|sa2|67}}
Hoid has access to an ability that allows him to make use of the Spiritual attribute of [[Fortune]],{{wob ref|2567}}, which grants him a limited amount foresight.{{wob ref|10011}} Hoid's Fortune ability gives him an innate knowledge of where and when he needs to be.{{wob ref|10011}} While this ability may grant him knowledge of what he is to do,{{wob ref|2567}}{{wob ref|738}} usually Hoid does not know why his ability has brought him to a specific place.{{wob ref|2567}} Hoid's Fortune ability is not infallible, occasionally it directs him to go somewhere, but either nothing notable is happening or he is unable to discover the reason why he has been led there.{{wob ref|5821}} Hoid's fortune ability has let him know about instant noodles.{{wob ref|2753}} (trivia?)
=== FeruchemyConnection ===
Hoid has access to some manifestation of Investiture that allows him to manipulate the Spiritual attribute of [[Connection]]. The full extent of this ability is unknown, but its primary known use is to help Hoid speak the various languages of the worlds of the cosmere that he visits. The ability allows him to Connect to whatever land he is in, temporarily altering his Spiritual aspect to believe that he was raised in that place, allowing him to speak as a native.{{wob ref|3759}} While Hoid has learned naturally how to speak some foreign languages,{{wob ref|9012}} and is decent with languages, he desires to pass as a local oftentimes, which requires something beyond natural learning.{{wob ref|223}} Generally he makes use of the his Connection ability to communicate in foreign languages.{{wob ref|9012}} This ability is not without fault though, as when Hoid speaks naturally it will fill in local idioms and phrases on its own, but if Hoid is careless and focuses on a specific word or phrase the ability may fail and he will say the word verbatim in his own tongue{{wob ref|3759}} or it may be said in an odd way.{{wob ref|3583}} Hoid is an expert in using his Connection ability, but even he sometimes makes mistakes. This is the reason he occasionally slips up and may say words that confuse others,{{wob ref|8185}} such as coin{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} and bunny{{book ref|sa2|59}} on Roshar. As Hoid has demonstrated the ability to fluently speak foreign languages before the knowledge of unsealed metalminds became widespread,{{book ref|elantris|58}} it is unlikely that he is making use of Feruchemical chromium to maniupulate Connection.
Hoid uses something similar to Chromium Feruchemy to gain limited foresight--he knows where he needs to go and when he needs to be there.{{wob ref|5692}} He also has access to unkeyed metalminds. {{wob ref|1571}}
=== AllomancyMetallic Arts ===
Hoid has also gained access to Allomancy,{{wob ref|4877}} almost certainly by burning a bead of lerasium stolen from the Well of Ascension.{{wob ref|1515}} If true, this would grant him power equivalent to that of the ancient Allomancers.{{epigraph ref|mb3|22}} It is uncertain how practiced he is with these powers, but he does make use of emotional Allomancy{{wob ref|6933}} on at least one occasion.{{book ref|sa2|45}} He also has access to [[atium]].{{wob ref|465}} It is unknown whether or not Hoid has access to Feruchemy.{{wob ref|466}} However, he does have access to some unkeyed metalminds,{{wob ref|1571}} which would not be useful to him without Feruchemical abilities. The particular attributes are stored in these metalminds is unknown. Hoid does not make use of Hemalurgy, to gain access to the Metallic Arts or any other manifestation of Investiture.{{wob ref|656}}
Hoid retrieved and may have ingested a bead of [[Lerasium]] from the Well of Ascension so that he could become an Allomancer.{{qa ref|1013|1}}{{qa ref|1047|9}}{{qa ref|1151|7|Brandon on Hoid|date=2016-02-25}} He does appear to consume metal in Shallan's flashback the same way an Allomancer would.{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{qa ref|1073|1}} Brandon also said that he did it to make people act a certain way, implying that he was burning [[brass]] or [[zinc]].{{qa ref|1048|29}}
=== Awakening ===
Hoid has additional [[Breath]], something that a scene in Words of Radiance seems to confirm, as he mentions how playing and tuning an instrument was easier now with "perfect pitch"{{book ref|sa2|59}} - something granted to those with the Second Heightening (at least 200 breaths).{{qa ref|949|11}} It is confirmed again in [[Oathbringer]], when he Awakens a doll prior to leaving [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
|Perfect pitch makes this all so much easier than it once was....
|Hoid to Kaladin on making music{{book ref|sa2|59}}
As a Yolish man, Hoid was not himself born with any Biochromatic Breath.{{wob ref|3212}} However at some point Hoid has gained access to enough Biochromatic Breath to bring him to at least the Second Heightening.{{book ref|sa2|59}} This means Hoid has approximately two-hundred Breaths, which grant him the ability to recognize other Breath auras and judge about how much breath another Awakener has, as well as perfect pitch.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} That is not to say that Hoid may not have reached a higher Heightening, just that the second Heightening is his minimum power level.{{wob ref|4655}} Hoid's level of skill with Awakening is still unknown, as he has only made use of it on one known occasion, Awakening a doll to allow it to walk.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This makes it difficult to ascertain his knowledge of Commands or complex Awakenings. Hoid's level of control over Investiture does allow him to suppress his Breath aura, making it difficult to notice by others. However, there are various methods of detecting Investiture that could circumvent this suppression.{{wob ref|3437}} Hoid's perfect pitch does aid him in tuning instruments and making music.{{book ref|sa2|59}}
=== Surgebinder ===
He has most likely bonded a [[Cryptic]], which will allow him to access the surges of [[Illumination]] and [[Transformation]]. {{Book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
|"It's either go with me now or wait it out and get captured. I honestly don't even know if you've the mind to listen. But if you do, know this: I will give you truths. And I know some juicy ones.
|Hoid to a Cryptic{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
Hoid has most likely bonded a [[Cryptic]] that formerly belonged to Elhokar, which will grant him access to Surgebinding. While the enhanced reflexes and healing permitted by Stormlight will likely be less useful to Hoid, the [[Nahel bond]] would allow him to access the surges of [[Illumination]] and [[Transformation]]. {{Book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This allows Hoid to [[Soulcast]], transforming one type of matter to another by persuading its Cognitive aspect as well as Lightweaving, which grants him the ability to create visual and auditory illusions. This Rosharan Lightweaving may have a compounding effect with his Yolish Lightweaving, and likely allows him to circumvent the problems that he has experienced with his own Illusions. Although Hoid's Ideals are unknown, it may eventually grant him a [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]].
== Storytelling Method ==