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His particular style of storytelling in which he manipulates sand or smoke to illustrate his stories, as in [[Warbreaker]] and [[The Way of Kings]], does not originate from [[White Sand]], but from another unpublished story, [[The Liar of Partinel]].{{qa ref|590|40}} In Warbreaker, Siri asked Hoid where he learned his style of story telling. Hoid answered, “I learned it many, many years ago from a man who didn’t know who he was, Your Majesty. It was a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died. But that is unimportant.” His origin will be revealed in the [[Dragonsteel]] series,{{qa ref|622|135}} and so it is commonly believed Hoid is from [[Yolen]], the world of Dragonsteel and Liar. He also has a "home base" somewhere in the cosmere.{{17s ref|post|42472}}
Hoid is neither the author of the [[Ars Arcanum|Ars ArcanaArcanum]], nor of the back-of-book blurb for [[Words of Radiance]].{{qa ref|1080|5}} He occasionally will show up somewhere, stand around for a while, realize there isn't a novel-worthy plot going on, and leave.{{17s ref|post|104720}}
== History ==