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Later when the Crow's Song reached the Sorceress's island, the ship's crew carried Hoid into the Sorceress's ship to save Tress and Huck,{{book ref|tress|63}} who had realized that bringing Hoid to the center of the Sorceress's power would break the curse, and hopefully allow him to defeat her.{{book ref|tress|62}} When Hoid entered the tower, the terms of the bet were fulfilled and he was restored to his sense and transformed into an Elantrian. Hoid arrived just in time to use AonDor to throw up a shield and prevent Riina from cursing Tress. In the brief confrontation that followed, Riina judged that she was not confident enough that she could defeat Hoid to risk a direct confrontation with him, instead choosing to flee the planet and let Hoid, Tress, and Charlie go free. While Hoid was unable to directly remove the curse on Charlie, he was able to tweak the parameters so that Charlie could break the curse himself once he returned to Diggen's Point with Tress.{{book ref|tress|64}} Hoid may have lingered with them for some time giving Charlie some pointers on storytelling and music.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}}
Hoid would later share his adventure with Tress and Charlie as a story to an unknown audience, potentially made up of people from the planet [[First of the Sun]].{{book ref|tress|24}}{{book ref|tress|60}}
== Relationships ==
Hoid's relationships with the various [[Vessel]]s are varied<!--wow that was a lot of v's-->, to say the least, ranging from hate and terror to respect and cameraderie.
====; Tanavast ====
: Hoid was acquainted with [[Tanavast]] before the Shattering. Tanavast did like Hoid enough to buy him drinks once.{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}
====; Rayse ====
: Hoid was once friends with [[Rayse]],{{wob ref|2101}} but is now terrified of the Shard, and takes many precautions against him. However, he is not above taunting the Shard, as he feels him to be the most detestable person he has ever met, albeit preferably from a position of superiority.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|18}}
====; Taravangian ====
: Prior to [[Taravangian]]'s Ascension, Hoid had never notably interacted with him. However, after the occupation of [[Urithiru]], when going to challenge Rayse, he realized that a new Vessel had Ascended, and was completely terrified, as Rayse was controlled by the power, but a new Vessel might have more control. However, Taravangian destroyed the Breaths holding his short-term memory, so he did not believe anything to be amiss.{{book ref|sa4|epiogue}}
====; Koravellium Avast ====
: Hoid, while not ''enemies'' with [[Koravellium]], has never really gotten along with her. However, he recognizes the fact that she poses a threat to Odium, and respects that.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
====; Sazed ====
: [[Sazed]] has a benevolent feeling towards Hoid.{{epigraph ref|sa3|53}} However, the latter has nevertheless hidden from the Shard whenever he visits [[Scadrial]],{{epigraph ref|sa3|56}} a decision of which Sazed disapproves and questions,{{epigraph ref|sa3|57}} but by which he is also fascinated.{{epigraph ref|sa4|21}} He wishes to work with Hoid to keep Odium contained, as he is highly disturbed by the wound upon the Spiritual Realm where Ambition was Splintered. They disagree on whether it is the Vessel or the power that is more dangerous, with Sazed believing that the Investiture will make any Vessel of Odium the same as their predecessor, but they agree that it would be the combination of a Vessel's craftiness and the power's Intent that would be most fearsome--coincidentally, a very good description of Taravangian.
====; Bavadin ====
: Hoid has a long-standing grudge against [[Bavadin]] for unknown reasons.{{epigraph ref|sa1|23}}{{wob ref|10630}} She has instilled in many of her avatars, including the one on [[Obrodai]], a deep dislike of him;{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}} however, he and Bavadin herself had a relationship at some point.{{epigraph ref|sa3|42}}
====; Edgli ====
: Hoid and [[Edgli]] mutually detest each other. However, their conversations are far more polite than Hoid's relations with Bavadin or Rayse.{{epigraph ref|sa3|33}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|41}}
=== Cosmere-Wide ===
====; Khrissalla ====
: Hoid thinks well of Khriss.{{wob ref|1707}} Although it is unknown how much information she has shared with him, she knows far more about the cosmere than he, as she pursues the knowledge for the sake of scholarship, while he uses it to sound smart and achieve his goals.{{wob ref|5320}} If he were to ask her about something that she knew, though, and she perceived that he was asking for a morally good reason, she would tell him.{{wob ref|180}}
====; The Seventeenth Shard ====
: Hoid is quite dismissive of the [[Seventeenth Shard]]. Although they fear that his actions will exacerbate Shardic conflict due to their non-interventionist policy, he easily evades those whom they assign to pursue him.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}{{wob ref|7910}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}}
====; Frost ====
: Hoid and [[Frost]] know each other well, having worked together in the past, and have a method of communicating with one another besides an interplanetary "postal service" that exists. Despite this, they are completely opposed on the courses of action that would be best for the cosmere. Frost, as a member of the Seventeenth Shard,{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}} believes that the best course of action is to let events play out as they will, especially in regard to [[Odium]]'s growing power and ambiton. However, as Hoid is a worldhopper and Frost is not, the former believes that he has a more informed stance, and plans to take more active action against the Shard.{{epigraph ref|sa2|60}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|66}}{{wob ref|4214}}
====; The Ghostbloods ====
: Hoid has a very different opinion of the Ghostbloods than he does of their leader, viewing them as generally not a threat.{{book ref|sa4|64}}{{wob ref|12011}}
====; Wan ShaiLu ====
: It is unclear how he feels about Wan ShaiLu, despite him betraying her without hesitation in order to get his hands on the Moon Scepter.{{tes ref|2}}{{ref|name=tes-del}}
Wan ShaiLu, on the other hand, despises him for his betrayal.{{tes ref|2}} After escaping from the Rose Empire, she began to hunt after him to enact her revenge, an act that she eventually succeeded at.{{book ref|mb7|20}}{{wob ref|9631}} Their current relationship is unclear, but she does wonder to herself if she was keeping watch over him, or he over her, but she knows that they are in reality just keeping watch over the same third parties.{{book ref|mb7|20}}
====; Riina ====
: He has a very hostile relationship with Riina, with her having cursed him to tastelessness and unintelligence.{{expand}}{{cite}}
====; Ulaam ====
|Hoid has too many issues to count. I wouldn’t trouble yourself with his situation. He’s nearly as deft at untying knots as he is at creating them.
|Ulaam to [[Tress]] on Hoid{{book ref|tress|22}}
: He has a relatively amiable relationship with Ulaam, with the two considering each other friends. Though Ulaam does enjoy insulting and humiliating him, even recording what he said during his curse from Riina in order to embarrass him for years, and also has sent records to their mutual friends.{{book ref|tress|18}}{{expand}}{{cite}}
=== Roshar ===
In his position as King's, and later, Queen's Wit, Hoid has had opportunities to interact with many notable Rosharans, and has taken full advantage of such chances.
====; Kaladin ====
: Hoid feels paternally to [[Kaladin]]. In such situations as when Kaladin is terrified at the discovery of his Radiant powers,{{book ref|sa1|57}} languishing in prison,{{book ref|sa2|59}} or trapped in a vision concocted by Odium and [[Moash]] in order to try and break him,{{book ref|sa4|80}} Hoid is always there with a story to bring him back from the brink, and at one point gave Kaladin his [[Trailman's flute]].
====; Shallan ====
: Hoid feels similarly to [[Shallan]] as he does to Kaladin. Visiting her in times of need, such as when her father is growing more and more abusive or when she's sitting in a dark building in [[Kholinar]], racked with guilt about [[Grund]]'s death, he guides her to a path of self-forgiveness.
====; Sigzil ====
: Hoid's relationship with [[Sigzil]] seems similar to that of Jasnah and Shallan. When in Azir, Hoid found Sigzil to be in some sort of trouble, and, after rescuing him, took the young [[Azish]] man under his wing and began teaching him as a [[Worldsinger]].{{book ref|sa1|57}} The two traveled [[Roshar]] together, at one point ending up in [[Babatharnam]], where Hoid had to pay for Sigzil to be freed three separate times, though Sigzil suspected that they mainly arrested him because Hoid had a lot of money.{{book ref|sa2|46}} Hoid graduated him as a full Worldsinger in {{rosharan date|1173|9}}.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
====; Design ====
: Hoid has a fondly exasperated view towards [[Design]]. Though, as a pair who share a [[Nahel bond]], they are extremely close, he is consistently frustrated by her habit of spoiling stories that he's telling, as he sees it.{{book ref|sa4|80}}{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}
: Despite this amicable relationship, they are not the best for each other, exacerbate certain features of one another in a way that isn't good for either of them.{{wob ref|15354}}
{{image|Jasnah and Wit by Jessica Liu.jpg|side=right|width=250px|With [[Jasnah]]}}
====; Jasnah ====
: Hoid is romantically involved with [[Jasnah]].{{book ref|sa4|99}}{{book ref|sa4|17}} He also has immense respect for her, both due to her sheer intelligence and the fact that, when all else fails, she is, above all, paranoid. Jasnah notes that he seems to think such things as kissing her safehand would spark passion in her, though it is her view that mental stimulation is far superior.
====; Sadeas ====
:Hoid dislikes Sadeas, insulting him at any chance he gets. Though at first he tries to get Sadeas to kill him in order to remove the man as a threat (since Shardblades are unable to hurt him anyway), he makes fun of Sadeas after his death just for the fun of it.{{cite}}
=== Scadrial ===
====; Kelsier ====
: [[Kelsier]] and Hoid mutually detest one another. Hoid considers him extremely dangerous, though he doesn't think much of his organization.{{book ref|sa4|64}}{{wob ref|12011}} However, this doesn't stop him from taking action against the Cognitive Shadow, such as when he gives [[Wax]] a [[coppermind]] containing knowledge that Kelsier would have preferred to have stayed hidden.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
====; Wax ====
: He seems to think positively of Wax, acting as his coachman and helping him on multiple occasions, such as giving him a coppermind containing information on Kelsier,{{book ref|mb6|11}}{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}} and saving him from the ocean after the destruction of the [[Pewternaut]].{{book ref|mb7|72}}
====; Wayne ====
: He has a rather cordial relationship with Wayne, although he finds him bizarre. He once tried to convince Wayne to stop being so hard on himself and accept that he is a good person.{{book ref|mb7|21}} Wayne also likes Hoid, and enjoys talking with him, though he doesn't know his true identity.{{book ref|mb5|7}}{{wob ref|4376}}
: While relatively cordial, Hoid does seem to get annoyed by his kleptomania. Even though he wanted his harmonica back, he did ultimately accept Wayne's trade of it for a rat.{{book ref|mb7|21}}
====; Joshin Yomen and Lady Mi'chelle Ostlin ====
: He is good friends with Joshin Yomen and Lady Mi'chelle Ostlin, with their wedding being a big part of why he returned to Scadrial, wanting to come to congratulate his friends.{{wob ref|918}}{{wob ref|3546}}{{book ref|mb4|4}}
== Known Aliases ==