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Some unlucky travelers who have been caught in a highstorm have spoken of a moment that occurs within the heart of the storm when the winds suddenly die away and everything becomes still for a brief moment, defying explanation. Termed the "centerbeat" by multiple cultures, scholars seem to lack scientific evidence of its existence.{{book ref|sa3.5|11}}{{book ref|sa4|42}} [[Kaladin]] experiences an unnatural stillness in the middle of the highstorm when he first sees the [[Stormfather]].{{book ref|sa1|35}} He experiences a similar sensation when he is stuck in the chasms of the Shattered Plains with [[Shallan]].{{book ref|sa2|74}}
This is caused by the bringing to bear of large enough quantities of Stormlight that time and space distorts and the [[Realmatic Theory|three realms]] are brought closer, and the Stormfather can appear and speak to people through this mechanism.{{citebook ref|sa4|107}}
== Causes ==
