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Removing quotations where unnecessary
(Add some information on personality (mostly based on interactions with other kitsen) and a bit on appearance and poetics)
(Removing quotations where unnecessary)
He spent most of his life preparing to become the monarch of his nation,{{book ref|sky2|26}} and that history very much shows in the way he and the kitsen around him behave. Even though he is officially just one member of a democratic government by the time he travels to the [[Superiority]]'s pilot recruitment program,{{book ref|sky2|13}} he is still treated quite specially and with great deference: he has an entourage of other kitsen who feed him,{{book ref|sky2|16}} fan him,{{book ref|sky2|17}} and drive him around,{{book ref|sky2|20}} all of which he accepts as his due. In spite of that, he seems to genuinely believe that it will be best for his people to move away from a monarchy, at least given the Superiority's rules on the matter, and he makes efforts accordingly to help the process along. For example, he tries to encourage Senator [[Aria]] to make a policy decision on her own, but she is confused and unable to come up with any ideas that don't involve just doing what he wants.{{book ref|sky2|26}}
After Hesho discovers that "[[Alanik]]" was actually the human [[Spensa]] all along, he becomes outraged and terrified and appears to be on the verge of shooting her. The members of his crew, however, talk him out of doing so -- the first seen instance of other kitsen going against his wishes in any way. Despite his kingly tendencies, he takes their desires into account and continues to work with Spensa, describing the experience of being overruled as "curious".{{book ref|sky2|39}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Hesho has skill in poetry. He introduces himself as a "humble poet" and claims that he would have been a poet in another life.{{book ref|sky2|15}}{{book ref|sky2|20}} His poetic background shows up in the elaborate names he bestows on things, such as "''[[Flowers of Night's Last Kiss Flight|Flowers of Night's Last Kiss]]"'' (for what the Superiority dubbed Flight Fifteen){{book ref|sky2|20}} or "''The Wind That Mingles with a Man's Dying Breath"'' (for [[Vapor]]).{{book ref|sky2|21}}
As the former king of a considerable portion of his entire home planet, he continues to command great loyalty and influence within the nation until his death and would presumably be able to get his government and people to do just about anything within their power for him.