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{{quote|The Forgery of the soul, that was what they considered an abomination.|[[Wan ShaiLu]]{{ref|b|tes|day|2}} }}
'''Soulforging''' is a type of [[Forgery]] on [[Sel]] practiced by the people of [[MaiPon]] requiring the use of specialized stamps called [[Essence MarksMark]]s. The use of Essence Marks are termed soul forging due to the fact that they forge the spiritual aspect of an individual.{{ref|b|tes|day|12}} This is considered blasphemous by many cultures.{{ref|b|tes|day|30}}{{ref|b|tes|day|76}}
The people of MaiPon practice Forgery on their own souls, making Essence Marks which can be used to impart new skills, enact disguises, change their personality or physiology, rewrite their memories, or in general affect the history of a person in a manner similar but more complex than ordinary forging. Essence Marks are powerful, but incredibly difficult and complex to make, requiring a lattice of hundreds of different stamps networked together.{{ref|b|tes|day|58}}{{ref|b|tes|day|76}}