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==[[Realmatic Theory|Realmatics of Forgery]]==
Forgery involves the use of [[Investiture]] present in the [[Dor]] accessed through a medium of a [[soulstamp]],. providedThe [[focus]]seal byon the symbolssoulstamp engravedacts ontoas the seal[[focus]] ofthrough the stampspecific symbols carved upon it.{{ref|?|977|16|Does Forgery use the Dor?}} Like other [[Sel]]ish magic systems, Forgery uses a series of symbols that represent linguistic concepts applied with a variety of modifiers to encode the [[intent]] of a given action into the focus directly. Though the Selish magics are often considered to use the concept of 'form' as their focus, it is more correct to think of these symbols as being a type of programming language using symbolic representation.{{ref|?|1019|5|Are the Investitures on Sel form-based?}}{{ref|?|948|5|Advanced uses of Forgery are like writing code}} A Forger must detail their intent with the correct pattern and arrangement of symbols and modifiers. The Dor is accessed through a connection to [[MaiPon]], and each Soulstamp carries an impression of MaiPon on the reverse.{{ref|b|tes|day|30}}{{ref|?|949|7|Do Soulstamps act like Aons?}}
Forgery utilizes a relatively small amount of Investiture in comparison to may other systems. As such, Forgers do not seem to be particularly Invested in ways that manifest outwardly, like the highly Invested [[Elantrian]]s or the [[Dahkor]] Monks.{{ref|?|1034|28|Could you soulstamp shardplate to become a robot?}}{{ref|?|1047|12|Rank me the Investment in objects.}} Another side effect of this is that Forgery has difficulty affecting Invested objects, though the unusual nature of Forgery has a number of loopholes available to it that offset that particular issue.{{ref|17s|post=7267|text=Would it be possible to Soulforge NIghtblood and change the command that was given to him when he was Invested?}}