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Soulstamps are the main medium for enacting a Forgery. They are used to stamp an object with a seal, which changes the object's past in a way described by the design of the stamp.{{ref|b|tes|day|3}} The seal left by the stamp itself is also called a soulstamp.{{ref|b|tes|day|2}} If the new history is similar enough to the original the stamp will take and hold indefinitely. If not, the stamp will fail after an amount of time relative to the similarity of the histories. A plausible enough stamp will stay nearly permanently.{{ref|b|tes|day|3}}
The seals left by soulstamps arewere slightly indented, and havehad a noticeable texture to them, regardless of the material they were stamped into.[2]{{ref|b|tes|day|3}} When a stamp fails, the embossed texture disappears, and the ink becomes as if fresh.[3]{{ref|b|tes|day|30}}
The ink used to stamp the seal also has an effect - only fresh, organic inks will function, though they can be mixed with other compounds such as wax. Clear, bright colours are the best. Animal inks are superior to plant-based inks, squid ink being well regarded.{{ref|b|tes|day|3}} Given its relation to bloodsealing, it is speculated that human blood would be quite potent. It is possible that the suitability of the ink is determined by the original Investiture in the creature. Realmatically, organic objects have higher Investiture than non-organics, and sentient creatures more than non-sentient.
==[[Realmatic Theory|Realmatics of Forgery]]==