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== Prerequisites ==
In order for a Forger to access the [[Dor]] a few things have to occur. A bloodline connection to [[MaiPon]] is required, but doesn't always enable someone to use Forgery.{{wob ref|6563}}{{wob ref|8617}} A form is also needed, which is done with the use of [[soulstamp]]s. Most Forgers are taught how to do mundane forgery such as reading people,{{tes ref|30}} writing, art, or personal signets before being taught to use soulstamps. Though it is not necessary, these skills are useful when combined with Forgery.{{tes ref|17}}
=== Soulstamps ===
Soulstamps are the main medium for enacting a Forgery. They are used to stamp an object with a seal, which changes the object's past in a way described by the design of the stamp.{{tes ref|3}} The seal left by the stamp itself is also called a soulstamp.{{tes ref|2}} If the new history that the stamp implyimplies is convincing enough the stamp will take and hold indefinitely. If not, the stamp will fail after an amount of time relative to the similarity of the histories. When failing, the soulstamp will evaporate and the subject will revert to normal.{{tes ref|12}} The subject will also turn back to normal if the soulstamp is forcefully taken off.{{tes ref|3}} A plausible enough stamp will stay nearly permanently. The more people who know of a Forgery, the more likely it is to fail.{{citetes ref|3}} There are power modifiers for soulstamps similar to power modifiers for [[AonDor]].{{wob ref|129}}
The seals left by soulstamps are slightly indented, and have a noticeable texture to them, regardless of the material they are stamped into.{{tes ref|3}} When a stamp fails, the embossed texture disappears, and the ink becomes as if fresh.{{tes ref|30}} While difficult, it is possible to soulstamp liquids.{{wob ref|9529}} Anyone can apply a soulstamp after a Forger has created it.{{tes ref|30}} Soulstamps will not work if a [[Bloodsealing|Bloodseal]] is being used on the subject.{{tes ref|76}}
In order to carve a soulstamp, one must have two bases of knowledge. The first base of knowledge is of the forms necessary to program the stamp. The forms imprinted on the stamp act like symbolic functions in a computer program, and it is necessary to put the correct forms in the correct positions to achieve the desired effect. The modifiers and forms required to encode a soulstamp function in a way similar to those of the AonDor, though different shapes are used.{{wob ref|4695}}{{wob ref|9864}}
The second base of knowledge is that of the altered history. The success rate of a soulstamp relies on the plausibility of a stamp to established history. While a Forger does not need to know everything about a subject to create a stamp for it, the more knowledge they have on the topic the more plausible, and thus successful, their stamp will be.{{tes ref|postscript}}{{wob ref|3521}} This is the reason why most Forgers spend so much time studying various knowledges and mundane forgery. Many simple Forgings require very little knowledge of the object, its history, or pertinent topics. Examples include reforging a table to be cared for rather than neglected,{{tes ref|12}} or reforging an [[Awakening|awakened]] object to have a different command phrase.{{wob ref|7007}} Reforging things that are already [[Investiture|invested]] is more difficult.{{wob ref|7028}}
=== Materials ===
Forgery utilizes a relatively small amount of Investiture in comparison to many other systems. As such, Forgers do not seem to be particularly Invested in ways that manifest outwardly, like the highly Invested [[Elantrian]]s or the [[Dahkor]] Monks.{{wob ref|10416}}{{wob ref|7299}} Another side effect of this is that Forgery has difficulty affecting Invested objects, though the unusual nature of Forgery has a number of loopholes available to it that offset that particular issue.{{wob ref|7007}}
The mechanics of Forgery are not specifically clear, but it functions Realmatically in all three realms, more so than many other forms of Investiture. When a Forger stamps an object with a soulstamp, the stamp is initially impressed into the object's [[Physical Realm|physicalPhysical]] being. A slight embossing is made in the object, regardless of the material, indicating that the impression is present in more than just the physical body of the object. Likewise, the seal actively resists being removed by force, with a stronger resistance than the physical properties of the object should allow. The ink of the stamp is unable to be easily damaged, and does not fade or run until such time as the seal is broken or dissipates.{{tes ref|3}} It is probable that the seal impresses itself into the [[Cognitive Realm|cognitiveCognitive]] and [[Spiritual Realm|spiritualSpiritual]] aspects of an object.
The nature of Forgery makes it unusually Realmatically aware. Realmatics are in fact part of the core of the theology surrounding Forgery.{{wob ref|2811}}. [[Shai]] demonstrates this by offering the most complete in-text definition of the three realms currently known.
Soulstamping an object functions by rewriting the history of an object or individual to match the encoded intent of the seal.{{tes ref|3}}{{wob ref|9866}} The likelihood of a soulstamp taking is dependent in part on the plausibility of a stamp. This includes both how the object views itself (the object's history) and how others view it. This is congruent with what we know of the Cognitive Realm, and suggests Forgery is similar to [[Soulcasting]].{{wob ref|4055}}{{tes ref|postscript}} A Forger's technical skill of what they are imitating also plays a factor to an extent.{{tes ref|76}} It is also likely that Forgery draws heavily on the spiritualSpiritual aspect of an object, as connections that should be otherwise unavailable to the object cognitivelyCognitively affect the plausibility of a stamp, such as the instance where the room [[Atsuko]] of [[JinDo]] was placed in was modified in order to influence the drawing of a mural.{{tes ref|76}}
The innate Investiture present in the materials to carve and ink a soulstamp seem to have a positive correlation to the ability of the stamp to take.{{tes ref|3}} The amount of Investiture present in soulstone is unknown, but Forgery ink is known to function better with organic materials as physical mediums, with inks from more complex creatures (suspected to correlate to innate Investiture from [[Adonalsium]] upon creation) being more effective at aiding a seal in taking.
== Relationship To MaiPon ==
Forgery has a specific tie to the land of MaiPon. Like all Selish magic, Forgery will decrease in power the further from MaiPon a Forger gets.{{wob ref|8617}}{{wob ref|6157}} The Dor is accessed through a connection to MaiPon, and each soulstamp carries an impression of MaiPon on the reverse.{{tes ref|30}}{{wob ref|4680}} For the same reason as the bloodline, the glyph of MaiPon cannot be simply changed to another glyph (such as Aon Aon) to correspond to a new area to power Forgery.{{wob ref|4054}} If a Forgery is taken to another [[Shardworld]], the Forgery would collapse.{{wob ref|5192}}
== Interactions with Other Investitures ==
=== Elantrians ===
Forgery could be used to turn a person into an Elantrian. This would require changing werewhere they were born and then soulforging themselves into an Elantrian. However, this would not give them access to AonDor, which would need a kind of super push from AonDor to achieve.{{wob ref|1386}}
=== Allomancy ===
