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Iron stores Physicalphysical Weightweight. Iron is used to store physical mass, or more accurately, density. This is accomplished by changing the Feruchemist's mass, not by changing the effect of gravity on the Feruchemist.{{qa ref|689|3|text=Does iron store mass or weight?|date=17 March 2012}} The greater density has no effect on the Feruchemist's vulnerability to penetration.{{annotation ref|aol|chapter=6}} Tapping iron grants the Feruchemist the strength required to remain standing.
An iron [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Skimmer'''.
Steel stores Physicalphysical Speedspeed. Tapping steel will allow the Feruchemist to move at amazing rates, while storing it will cause the Feruchemist to move more slowly. Storing speed has negligible if any effect on the Feruchemist's ability to speak. {{book ref|mb2|50}}
A steel [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Steelrunner'''.
Tin stores Sensessenses. Tapping a tinmind gives the Feruchemist enhanced sensory perception. However, this will not allow the Feruchemist to see in the dark; rather, it enhances what eyesight/senses are already there. In addition, tapping tin will not make the mists more translucent, as an Allomancer burning tin would. Tapping sight causes the edge of the Feruchemist's vision to blur, and sacrifices immediate field of vision in favor of a more distant, binocular view. Tapping too much sight can induce nausea.{{book ref|mb2|12}} Multiple tin minds are required to store multiple senses.
A tin [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Windwhisper'''.
Pewter stores Physicalphysical Strengthstrength. Tapping a pewtermind will cause a Feruchemist's muscles to grow far larger than they would be normally, while storing Strengthstrength causes the Feruchemist to become weak and frail. It's possible for the Feruchemist to tap so much strength that their girth makes it difficult for them to maneuver properly. {{book ref|mb2|53}}
A pewter [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Brute'''.
Zinc stores Mentalmental Speedspeed. Tapping a zincmind will give the Feruchemist the ability to think much faster than a normal person, while the thoughts of a Feruchemist storing this quality will be thick and sluggish. Storing does not affect the Feruchemist's ability to process physical information, such as being able to hear when they are spoken to. {{book ref|mb2|50}}
A zinc [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Sparker'''.
Brass stores Warmthwarmth. Tapping brass will make the Feruchemist warmer.
A brass [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Firesoul'''.
Copper stores Memoriesmemories. When storing memories, the Feruchemist loses all recollection of that information he or she stored. Typically, Keepers (modern-day Feruchemists) would have many copperminds, keeping specific index copperminds to locate particular pieces of information. Keepers undergo extensive training on their memorization skills to make the most of this ability.{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=49}}
A copper [[Ferring]] is known as an '''Archivist'''.
Bronze stores Wakefulnesswakefulness. Tapping bronze will enable the Feruchemist to stay awake longer, while storing makes them feel drowsy.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} It is the only type of metalmind a Feruchemist can store into while sleeping.{{book ref|mb2|50}}
A bronze [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Sentry'''.
Gold stores Healthhealth. Tapping a goldmind will rapidly heal wounds, but the expense of gold, combined with the difficulty of storing health, means that most Feruchemists do not have massive goldminds to tap from.
A gold [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Bloodmaker'''.
A Cadmiumcadmium metalmind can store breath. During active storage they must hyperventilate in order for their bodies to get enough air. The breath can be retrieved at a later time, eliminating or reducing the need to breathe using the lungs while tapping the metalmind. They can also highly oxygenate their blood.
A cadmium [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Gasper'''.
Chromium metalminds allowallows the user to store fortune. Making themselves unlucky during active storage, and tapping it at later times to increase their luck.
A chromium [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Spinner'''.
Atium stores age, or more specifically, youth. Storing age is usually a fairly useless endeavor: in order to be young for a time, a Feruchemist needs to stay older for a time as they fill their metalminds. It can, however, be useful for disguising a Feruchemist's identity.
Of particular interest however, is that—--since Compounding provides a greater burst of the attribute store than was initially stored in the metalmind—--it is possible for a person capable of both Allomancy and Feruchemy, to "gain" more youth then they store. Essentially, they become effectively immortal, able to repetitively retrieve youth. The disadvantage of this is of course, the fact that the since atium is burned up in the process, a permanent supply of the metal is necessary. Also, while able to extend their life greatly, someone Compounding atium is not ''truly'' immortal; over time, the amount of youth that they would need to consume (and the amount of atium necessary to allow them to do so) would increase beyond their ability to generate and store it, besides outstripping their physical ability to ingest and burn it.{{17s ref|post|30533|Compounding and Allomancy|date=17 March 2012}}
This, in addition to the fact that atium Twinborns (or Allomancer-Feruchemists) are almost non-existent, makes the practice incredibly rare.