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Scion Ethid likely spent much time wandering from village to village in Azir, blessing each of them.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} In {{Rosharan date|1173}}, Scion Ethid attended the holy conclave in the [[Bronze Palace]] of [[Azimir]] to choose a new [[Prime Aqasix]]. Ethid was asked by a [[vizier]] to write a prayer of guidance to [[Yaezir]] asking for help choosing the correct Prime, as the previous two had been assassinated by the [[Szeth|One All White]].
Ethid is a [[scholar]] that studies men of conquest, especially great kings like [[Gavilar]]. Upon the arrival of the [[Knights Radiant]] she starts to study them. She intends to create detailed drawings of each Radiant Order's [[Spren]] and tries to study [[Lift]]. She also has been tracking the Herald [[Nale]].
She is a scholar of the [[Veristitalian]] group, and a friend of [[Jasnah Kholin]] and [[Jochi]].{{book ref|sa3|53}}{{expand}}