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She was part of the women's knitting circle that Sarene joined and through that she ended up participating in [[Sarene]]'s fencing lessons for a short time.{{book ref|Elantris|17}} Unfortunately, the shock of learning of her husbands involvement with the [[Jeskeri Mysteries]] was too great, and Eshen was left a shell of her former self.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
During the [[Invasion of Arelon]], when the citizens of [[Kae]] were rounded up for execution, Eshen and several of the other female fencers picked up weapons and attacked the Fjordell fighters. Eshen was able to put up a decent fight, using the soldiers' shock at the women attacking to their advantage, before a soldier stabbed her through the chest. Her death demotivated the other women who quickly surrendered.{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
== Notes ==