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==== Creation ====
Drafts are created from a literal merger of their parents as a way for the rest of the family to meet the newest member before their birth.{{book ref|sky2|12}}{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} They inherit a mixture of skills, abilities, and memories from both of their parents, but not everything.{{book ref|sky2|16}}{{book ref|sky2|22}}{{book ref|sky2|28}}{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} TheyCuriously, arethey curiouslyare not twice as massive as an average dione, implying that some of the mass is shed in the pupation process.{{book ref|sky2|16}}
Drafts have two copies of most internal organs, one from each parent. This includes two brains, which fuse together to create the draft's brain.{{book ref|sky2|16}} This merger is not perfect: from time to time, drafts will have small conflicts between their sides, such as reaching for a tool with both hands instead of just one. These conflicts wax at the end of the drafting period, as the two halves of the draft are preparing to once again separate into individuals.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
Diones have large families. Elder family members are referred to as Grands, while others, of an uncertain relation, are called piblings. Both Grands and piblings have a huge impact the family, and their opinions matter a great deal when deciding on the personality of a new child.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}} This is likely due to the actual parents being virtually nonexistent during the drafting process.
There are many diones living on [[Starsight]], although it is unknown if this is the race's primary home. Diones have primary citizenship and members of this race can hold government positions within the [[Superiority]].{{book ref|sky2|12}} The Dione language (also called Dione) is considered one of the Superiority standard tongues.{{book ref|sky2|9}}
=== Spirituality ===
=== Body language ===
Diones employ a variety of gestures and other signals implying their moods. Many of their gestures, such as nodding, raising their hands and pointing, isare similar to those used by humans;{{book ref|sky2|45}} however, other signals only appear similar, while often meaning something utterly different.
* Sweeping two fingers twoto the side in front of the body is a dismissive gesture.{{book ref|sky2|19}} Sweeping one's fingers in a different ways can be indicative of ambiguity or noncommittal behavior.{{book ref|sky2|31}}
* Pressing lips together is a sign of friendly behavior, similar to a smile in human culture.{{book ref|sky2|28}}
* Waving thea hand in a low-key or understated manner is used for beckoning.{{book ref|sky2|28}}
* Puckering the lips is a sign of discomfort.{{book ref|sky2|28}}
* Bowing the head is likely a dione shrug.{{book ref|sky2|28}}
