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At their core, Dawnshards are nothing more than Commands of enormous power,{{book ref|dawnshard|19}} but on their own they seem to be nearly useless.{{wob ref|14333}} As all applications of Investiture require a Command and Intent, these Dawnshards cannot be used without a person that has access to Investiture trying to carry out some task.{{book ref|dawnshard|19}} The mechanics here are unclear, but as Commands made by someone with the understanding of a deity, Dawnshards allow a person to make use of the most powerful forms of magic. It is unclear what if any influence the specific Command of each Dawnshard has on what may be accomplished using that Command. In a person with no access to Investiture or an inanimate object, the Dawnshard's most dangerous powers are rendered useless and they are unable to truly present a threat to the lives of anyone.{{wob ref|14333}}{{book ref|dawnshard|19}}
That being said, Dawnshards do confer a certain amount of Investiture on the person that holds them.{{wob ref|14328}} Each Dawnshard grants both distinct abilities{{wob ref|15961}} and shared [[Heightening|Heightening-like]] attributes,{{wob ref|14339}} such as an increased depth in color and sound perception.{{book ref|dawnshard|epilogue}} These Heightening-like effects can be achieved using any Dawnshard and are granted because they are great concentrations of Investiture, and not from having any specific connection to [[Endowment]].{{wob ref|14328}} In the same way Savants are changed by power over time, the person that is a Dawnshard is also increasingly changed by its power,{{wob ref|14346}} although it is not certain if these changes depend on which Dawnshard is possessed. This change is progressive, (but starts quickly){{wob ref|15596}} and is sometimes compared to a canker or scar tissue, gradually coating a person's soul and changing, conferring abilities and restrictions, and potentially pushing the person to act in accordance with the Dawnshard's Intent.{{book ref|tsm|21}} With the right knowledge and equipment, this process can be reversed{{book ref|tsm|36}} and potentially the Connection might be severed altogether.{{book ref|tsm|21}}
There is a Connection between the previous holders of a Dawnshard and the current holder.{{book ref|tsm|21}} This Connection means that a person who previously held a Dawnshard can be killed, and a spike can be fashioned from their soul to find the person they gave the Dawnshard to, creating a chain of Connection to the Dawnshard's current bearer and allowing them to be tracked.{{book ref|tsm|10}}{{book ref|tsm|28}}
