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The '''cosmere'''{{qa ref|428|73|Is this "character" a common link between your books for religion or magical or maybe even both?|date=July 2009}} is a fictional universe where Brandon Sanderson's adult epic fantasies (including [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]], [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]], [[Warbreaker]], [[The Stormlight Archive]]) are all set.{{qa ref|680|14|I thought I saw somewhere that you said that all your books (yours not WOT) are connected somehow|date=Jan 18th, 2010}} It does not contain Earth.{{tweet ref|22409638968295424}}
Brandon has said that you do not need any Cosmere knowledge to understand the books, and that they can be enjoyed separately, but it will be necessary eventually to have a certain understanding of Realmatic Theory.{{url ref|url=http://www.goodreads.com/questions/109246-although-i-have-become-a-big-fan-of-your|text=IsDo ityou necessaryhave to haveknow knowledgeanything ofabout the Cosmere to understandread your books?|site=Goodreads}}{{qa ref|1044|6|The first, most important thing to say to the person who's being sent there is to enjoy the story you're in.|date=Mar 24th, 2014}} Elements of the cosmere are slowly being added into the books, behind the scenes, until they come into the forefront with [[Dragonsteel]] and the final Mistborn trilogy.{{qa ref|1076|7|Are you going to expand on the cosmere in its own book?|date=Mar 6th, 2014}}
The underlying mythology of the cosmere revolves around [[Adonalsium]], the power of creation, which was broken into sixteen pieces called [[Shard]]s. The Shards are effectively gods, and magic is derived from their power.
