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==Coppermind News==
<!--Big important wiki stuff goes here-->
===Book Title Conventions===
What's this? ''Actual edits to the wiki?'' I know, I'm surprised too. As you can see, the wiki is now centered on the page. I'm hoping to get this ugly blue out of here soon, too. So at this point, there are small cosmetic changes to the wiki (like the enhanced sidebar). -- [[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] 04:37, 22 June 2011 (UTC)
Let's talk a moment about the titles of books for a moment. For those you who care about content and not categorization (psh, '''content'''), this news post is not for you.
[[User:Fbstj|Joe]] has persuaded me that the titling conventions for books have been a little silly. Before, they always had the prefix (book) to them. Now, this works great for [[Elantris]] because Elantris can refer to the [[Elantris (city)|city]] or the book itself. It makes less sense for [[the Way of Kings]], however.
So now all titles that are unique, like [[The Alloy of Law]] are simply titled The Alloy of Law, rather than The Alloy of Law (book). So Way of Kings, Warbreaker, and all of those are the obvious titles. Any links that go to, say, [[The Way of Kings (book)]] should redirect, but hopefully I weeded out anything that linked to the old title.
The [[Mistborn series]] is a little more complicated. The first Mistborn novel, for one thing, can be referred to as MB1, Mistborn, [[The Final Empire]], or [[Mistborn: The Final Empire]]. It's annoying. In any case, here's the deal on the Mistborn novels. [[The Well of Ascension]] and [[the Hero of Ages]] articles are simply titled that. There's some confusion, because [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] liked to refer to those as Mistborn: The Well of Ascension, but those weren't actually the titles written on the book (the hardbacks of those were The Well of Ascension: Book Two of Mistborn, and we're just going to exclude the subheading here). Hence, [[the Well of Ascension]], [[the Hero of Ages]], and [[the Alloy of Law]] are all the obvious titles, without the (book) suffix. Note that [[Well of Ascension]] and [[Hero of Ages]] actually refer to in-world things. For your wiki links, if you want to refer to the books, include the "the."
Mistborn 1 is the most complicated. Amazon is schizophrenic, naming it the nonsensical Mistborn : Final Empire Series (Book #1) (Mistborn, Book 1). Usually, people just refer to it as [[Mistborn]], but for the wiki, that has a lot of meanings. Therefore, I have decided to make Mistborn 1's article be [[Mistborn: The Final Empire]]. (I hope that there is never such mass confusion over the title of a book in any other time in Brandon's career.) You can refer to it as [[The Final Empire]] and it will redirect to the correct page.
So, hooray, all the unnecessary (book) suffixes are gone. However, for series, we will probably use the convention [[Mistborn (series)]], [[Warbreaker (series)]], etc. when the series doesn't have a spiffy title like the [[Stormlight Archive]]. If you want to link to the Mistborn series, you can always use [[Mistborn series]], which will redirect to the right article. The parentheses are there because that's consistent with wiki formatting.
Clear as mud, right? Feel free to discuss it on the Coppermind forums or a talk page.
-- [[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] 21:35, 22 June 2011 (UTC)
===A News Post!===
What's this? ''Actual edits to the wiki?'' I know, I'm surprised too. As you can see, the wiki is now centered on the page. I'm hoping to get this ugly blue out of here soon, too. So at this point, there are small cosmetic changes to the wiki (like the enhanced sidebar). -- [[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] 04:37, 22 June 2011 (UTC)
-- [[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] 04:37, 22 June 2011 (UTC)
==To Do==