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==Featured Article: '''[[ShadesmarAlethkar]]'''==
[[File:Alethkar.jpg|thumb|250px|Alethkar Princedoms]]
'''Alethkar''' was the largest and most prominent of the five [[Vorinism|Vorin]] Nations. It was split into ten princedoms, each with its own [[highprince]]. People from Alethkar were known as '''Alethi'''. Alethkar is currently engaged in the [[War of Reckoning]] against the [[Parshendi]]. In the present day, Alethkar possesses many [[Shardblade]]s, like [[Jah Keved]].
=== Geography ===
[[File:Shadesmar (TWoK).jpg|thumb|right|text-top|300px|x200x|alt=Shadesmar|Map of Shadesmar, the Cognitive Realm]]
Located in eastern [[Roshar]], Alethkar was more exposed to the highstorms than many lands further west. Important geographical features included the [[Sunmaker Mountains]], the [[Sea of Spears]], and the [[Windrunner River|Windrunner]] and [[Deathbend River]]s.
=== History ===
'''Shadesmar''' is the [[Cognitive Realm]]. So far the only known characters to travel there are [[Hoid]], [[Shallan Davar]] and [[Jasnah Kholin]]. Hoid's method for travelling there is not yet known, though he uses it to travel from world to world. It is possible other worldhoppers use Shadesmar similarly.
Alethkar was founded as Alethela in the [[Silver Kingdoms]] Epoch. It survived the Desolations, but at an unknown point was fractured into the Princedoms.
Under this system, the ten [[highprince]]s acted as Kings of their own lands, with no unifying government. The [[Sunmaker]] united the highprinces and stopped the [[Hierocracy]], but eventually the government split again. Later, in approximately 1158, [[Gavilar Kholin]]--inspired by the Sunmaker--sought to conquer and unite the highprinces, which he achieved by about 1163. He was then crowned King and his brother [[Dalinar Kholin]] became Highprince to the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] Princedom.
{{quote|... a place with a black sky and a strange, small white sun that hung on the horizon ... Flames hovered nearby ... Like the tips of candles floating in the air and moving with the wind ... An endless dark sea, except it wasn't wet. It was made of the small beads, an entire ocean of tiny glass spheres|Shallan Davar, {{bref|WoK|c|45}}}}
When Gavilar was assassinated by the [[Parshendi]] in 1167, his son [[Elhokar Kholin]] became King and declared war on the Parshendi. Each of the highprinces joined the [[Vengeance Pact]], and they went to the [[Shattered Plains]] to besiege the Parshendi in the [[War of Reckoning]]. The siege took much longer than was expected, and was still active by 1173.
Geographically it appears to be a reflection of [[Roshar]], with its inland seas corresponding exactly to the shape of the land of Roshar.
'''([[Alethkar|See more!]])'''
Shadesmar can be visited by those with an inherent Soulcasting ability. Entrance to it is granted by beings that Jasnah calls a type of [[spren]]... '''([[Shadesmar|see more!]])'''
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