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Using the [[Surge]] of [[Adhesion]] to manipulate spiritual, rather than purely physical forces, a [[Bondsmith]] can touch another person and forge a spiritual connection between them. This allows the Bondsmith to temporarily speak whatever languages this other person can speak.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
'''Regal Forms of Power''': By staying out in the [[Everstorm]], [[singer]]s are capable of bonding with a [[Voidspren]], which has the effect of changing their form, which alters their physical appearance and mental capabilities.{{book ref|sa3|I-6}}{{wob ref|9897}} One [[Regal]] form of power is Envoyformenvoyform, which allows the user to have Connection to other cultures and allows the user to speak their languages.{{book ref|sa3|I-6}}
'''Hoid''': [[Hoid]] has access to some manifestation of Investiture that allows him to manipulate the Spiritual attribute of Connection. The full extent of this ability is unknown, but its primary known use is to help Hoid speak the various languages of the worlds of the cosmere that he visits. The ability allows him to Connect to whatever land he is in, temporarily altering his Spiritual aspect to believe that he was raised in that place, allowing him to speak as a native.{{wob ref|3759}}
Bonds are Connections between entities in the cosmere that exist outside the [[Physical Realm]]. All bonds are basically the same, with the powers and functions depending on the holders of the bond.{{wob ref|3488}} Bonds are typically formed between entities with greater-than-normal Investiture and other entities, allowing them to gain enhancements.
'''The Nahel Bond''': The [[Nahel Bond]] is between asapient humanbeings and certain types of intelligent [[Spren]]. It gives a human access to [[Surgebinding]], while granting the spren the ability to maintain their cognition in the Physical Realm. There are ten known forms the Nahel Bond can take, each giving access to two different Surges.
'''Singer Bond''': The singers can bond with a spren. Doing so grants the singer a Formform with a specific physical and mental change. Not all spren grant a unique Formform; most spren give the singers Dullformdullform. Without a spren, singers exist in what is known as slaveform ([[Parshmen]]).
'''Lesser Spren Bonds''': Non-intelligent spren arecan able totheoretically form symbiotic bonds with humanspeople.{{wob ref|4783}} This bond does not grant Surgebinding.
'''Void Bonds''': Nothing is known at this time about [[Voidbinding]].
'''Lesser Spren Bonds''': Non-intelligent spren are able to form bonds with humans.{{wob ref|4783}} This bond does not grant Surgebinding.
'''Other Spren Bonds''': Certain spren bond with animals native to Roshar, enhancing those animals and granting them abilities. Animals that are confirmed to have these bonds are [[chasmfiend]]s, [[chull]]s, and [[skyeel]]s.
'''Yelig-nar''': Yelig-nar is able to bond with a human{{book ref|sa3|118}} or [[singer]], and grants his host the use of all ten Surges.{{epigraph ref|sa3|95}} The people he bonds with appear to remain fully in control of themselves,{{book ref|sa3|120}} but they must control Yelig-narifnar if they do not wish to be consumed by him.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
'''Seons''': A [[seon]] can create bonds with humans, andincluding [[Elantrian]]s. Little is known of this bond other than that the [[seon]] follows and helps the person it is bonded to, functioning as a servant to the owner of the bond. Seons will automatically seek out a new person to bond with following the death of its master; often the new master has been prearranged. During the time of the [[Reod]], while the [[Shaod]] was unable to finish transforming a human into an Elantrian, any seon bonded to a Elantrian lost its mind and would float around the city, often near their master.{{book ref|elantris|4}} This bond grantsis new unknown powerssimilar to the membersNahel ofbond{{wob theref|3035}} bondand whilewould ongrant Rosharsome andsort isof veryability similarif tomanifested aon Nahel BondRoshar.{{wob ref|3035}}{{wob ref|6928}}
'''Aviar''': [[Aviar]]s create a bond with a person and grant a specific power based of the type of Aviar bonded. Aviar are granted their ability if raised on one of the pantheon islands and consume a worm native to the island.{{book ref|sixth}}
'''Other Worm Infected Animals''' Other birds besides native island Aviar are able to eat the worms and create a bond with a new effect.{{book ref|sixth}}
'''Sentient Awakened Entities in an Inorganic Host''': Also known as Type IV BioChromatic Entities. The only known entity of this kind is [[Nightblood]]. Nightblood is a sentient sword made using 1000one thousand [[Breath]]s and the command to destroy evil. ItNightblood makes awill bond with anyone with whom itthey wisheswish to communicate with, and it is able to read and speak with minds directly.{{wob ref|6928}} Distance appears to be a factor, but this may be a limitation of the mind of Nightblood and not itstheir ability. While idle, Nightblood reaches out to other people, tempting them to draw the blade. "Pure" people who cannot be tempted would feel great nausea, even induce vomiting. Anyone who is able to wield Nightblood and survive, bonds with the blade to a greater degree and is no longer repelled by or abnormally drawn to use it.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=45}} Those unable to control Nightblood are become controlled by itthemselves, inleading effectto Nightbloodthem wieldsusing themNightblood to killingkill everyone around them and absorbingallowing allNightblood ofto absorb the Investiture from the victimvictims including the spark of life (i.e. the soul).{{cite}} This bond may grant additional powers on Roshar.{{wob ref|6892}}
'''Shardblade''': [[Shardblade]]s are able to bond with people through the use of charged gemstones. The gem is placed in the hilt of the Blade and after a week of constant contact, the Blade is bonded and can be dismissed from and recalled to the Physical Realm. Once bonded the blade can be dismissed and recalled by syncing with the user's heart to the blade. Ten heartbeats are required. A person's iris' will lighten during the bonding process.
'''Honorblades''': [[Honorblade]]s grant Surgebinding abilities to humans who touch them, but requires dangerous levels of [[Stormlight]].{{wob ref|5822}}
'''Lerasium''': For normal people, burning [[lerasium]] forges a permanent Connection between them and [[Preservation]], turning them into very powerful [[Mistborn]] by rewriting their spiritual DNA.{{wob ref|10116}} For people who are already Mistborn, the same effect increases their power.{{wob ref|1304}}
'''Selish Magic''': All magic on [[Sel]] (including [[AonDor]], [[Dakhor]], [[ChayShan]], [[Forgery]], and [[Bloodsealing]]) requires a Connection to certain lands in Sel to function properly. The magics will decrease in power the farther from the land the user is,{{wob ref|8617}} and will not normally work on Shardworlds otheroutside thanof Sel.{{wob ref|1473}}{{wob ref|6164}}
'''Ba-Ado-Mishram''': [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] is able to ConnecteConnect with the vast majority of singers on Roshar and is able to grant them forms of power. This made them into Regals. She also provided them with [[Voidlight]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|80}}
'''Realms''': Connection can be used to exist in different realms.{{msh ref|6|6}}
== Connection with Shards ==
The closer the Connection between a human and a Shard, the more powerful the human becomes. How a person becomes Connected to a Shard varies frombetween Shardworld to ShardworldShardworlds. It is assumed that the intent of the respective Shard influences these conditions. On [[Scadrial]] Connection to a Shard is determined by genetics. On Sel it's thewill Shaoddepend thaton comesa topersons those who live in the correct arealocation and aretheir devotedConnection to somethingthe land, and on Roshar it has to do with a person's actions and how they live their life.{{wob ref|7256}}
Since Shards are Connected to their magic, a Shard is able to directly interact with its users and provide the needed Investiture directly when needed.{{wob ref|6072}}
=== Ascension ===
Connection has an influence on who can or cannot ascendAscend as the holder of a certain Shard,{{msh ref|6|4}} and Connection to a Shard is required to ascendAscend. Improper connectionConnection decreases the vessel's ability to control the powers and weakens the vessel's power.{{msh ref|6|4}} Connection to thean paired opposite of aopposing Shard makes it more difficult to maintain ascensionAscension. Proper ascensionAscension can happen either forged artificially or driven by a natural inclination towards the Shard's intent.{{msh ref|5|2}}
== Notes ==