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== Appearance and Personality ==
Chivi wears [[nimbleform]], representing it in the Council of Five. Nimbleform gives her face elongated features, with long hair strands that she ties into a ponytail. She is frustrated by the complacency of the listeners, and does not initially oppose using [[stormform]].{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} However, she is concerned
== History ==
Chivi was present at the Council meeting when [[Venli]] proposed the plan of taking on stormform. She iswas unhappy with the decline of the listeners and appearsappeared to be hopeful that they cancould find a way to turn the tide in their battle against the humans. She agreed with Eshonai's plan to be the one to test the new form, as Venli was considered too important to lose.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
After Eshonai took on stormform and transformed two hundred additional soldiers to create the [[Storm Division]], Chivi assumed that this would be enough to help the listeners win the war. She was not initially in favor of Eshonai's proposed plan to transform the entire listener population, and expressed some concerns about how far the plan had already proceededprogressed, noting that other listeners were now coveting the form. Eshonai was insistent, but Chivi and [[Zuln]] did not allow the plan to proceed. Eshonai and Venli later conferred and believed that they could convince Chivi to join them.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}}
It is not clear what happened to Chivi after Eshonai led a coup to take control of the listeners. She either took on stormform or was one of the dissenters that escaped into the chasms.