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A cadmium [[Misting]] is known as a '''Pulser'''. Burning cadmium pulls on time around the user, causing time to pass more slowly in a bubble around them. Events outside the bubble appear to move much faster to someone inside.{{book ref|aol|part=ars}}
When a cadmium bubble and a [[bendalloy]] bubble occur in the same place, their effects cancel out resulting in no change whilst still burning the metals used.{{book ref|aol|2}}{{book ref|mb4|12}} The time bubble created by a Pulser is about the size of a room, larger than a time bubble created by burning bendalloy.{{book ref|mb4|12}} Careful examination may reveal the edge of the bubble, where air appears to shimmer. As long as some part of a person is inside the slowness bubble, they will be included in its effect.{{book ref|mb7|49}}
When a time bubble is created, the area of the bubble stays stationary with respect to a moving object as long as the Pulser creating it is stationed on an object large enough. For example, someone standing on a planet, which is quite massive, is still actually moving with the rotation of the planet, and the bubble moves with that person, but the bubble itself stays in the same place with respect to the planet. However, if the Pulser who created a time bubble is on a small, moving object (or the person merely walks to the edge of the bubble), the Pulser will be transported through the bubble, "popping" it.{{book ref|mb6|17}} Objects entering or exiting the bubble are thrown wildly off-course, most likely because different parts of the object are moving at different speeds during the transition.{{book ref|mb4|2}} When leaving the bubble, time bubbles interfere with almost all forms of [[Investiture]].{{wob ref|78}} When multiple bubbles occur in the same space their effects are multiplied.{{wob ref|3936}}
Some potential "non-combative" uses for cadmium Allomancy include advancing personal time to a desired date,{{book ref|mb4|12}} performance art in which one or more performers utilize cadmium "pulses" to enhance the exhibition, and scientific observation of processes/reactions which would otherwise not be observable in real-time.{{cite}} Cadmium is involved in multiple ways with faster-than-light travel.{{wob ref|12107}}
TimeSlowness bubbles can be popped by [[aluminum]].{{wob ref|4297}}
=== Savantism ===
If someone were able to burn the amount of cadmium needed to become an Allomantic [[savant]] with the metal, they would be able to slow time to a greater degree than a regular Misting.{{wob ref|6557}} They would be able to anchor the slowness bubble to themselves, allowing the slowness bubble to move with them. This would cause complications for objects moving in and out of the bubble as energy is transferred to and from the [[Spiritual Realm]] to prevent redshift and blueshift.{{wob ref|2761}} They would also be able to influence the size of the bubble and the amount of time it gives.{{wob ref|11691}}
== Feruchemical Use ==
